Nameplates » Completely Unique Customization Mechanic

MC Plugin Nameplates » Completely Unique Customization Mechanic 1.6
Great perk for donators with over 15 nameplates included!


Do not send payments twice- please read FAQ below before purchasing!





  • 15+ Free Nameplates Included
    More nameplates will be added throughout the plugin's lifetime, or you can make your own by following the simple tutorial.

  • Automatic Resourcepack Generation
    Using the provided Nameplates images, the plugin will generate a folder that you can just drag & drop into your server's resource pack. That's it! No configuring json files or file paths- Nameplates takes care of all of that.

  • Unique Donator Perk
    Nameplates includes a mechanic that has not been seen in servers before and would make an amazing donator perk. You can easily give player's access to only specific nameplates, and there is a GUI that will let player's select their desired nameplate.

  • Fully Configurable
    Language file included to be able to replace any message the plugin generates. Detailed configuration file with extensive documentation is provided as well!

  • Lightweight
    Nameplates only uses a single, invisible, non-ticking entity per player. It has been optimized through benchmarks and monitoring timings.
  • TAB Support
All plugin documentation can be found on the plugin website, which includes tutorials for creating new nameplates, configuration, commands, permissions, and more.
For support and other discussion please join the plugin Discord.

Have you purchased and not yet gained access to the plugin?
Please wait up to 24 hours as I must manually approve each incoming payment. Thank you for your patience!
  • Custom fonts are not supported at this time.
  • Some glow or tab plugins may not be compatible with the plugin.
Author FateKid
6,835 pts
1.6 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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