EcoEnchants ⭕ 250+ Enchantments ✅ Create Custom Enchants ✨ Essentials/CMI Support

MC Plugin EcoEnchants ⭕ 250+ Enchantments ✅ Create Custom Enchants ✨ Essentials/CMI Support 12.6.0
A custom enchantments plugin that doesn't suck.

- Temporarily removed active_level due to a bug
- Added drop_weighted_random_item effect
- Deprecated drop_random_item_for_player (merged into drop_random_item)
- API: Added more ways to register holder placeholder providers
- Added %active_level% placeholder to get the total active level of an enchantment
- Unused triggers will no longer be dispatched, which should improve server performance
- Added item points and item levels, read more here:
- Added item_level_above, item_level_below, and item_level_equals conditions
- Added item_points_above, item_points_below, and item_points_equal conditions
- Added give_item_points effect
- Added multiply_item_points effect
- Added level_item_effect
- Added set_item_points effect
- Added set_global_points effect
- Added set_custom_model_data effect
- Added level_up_item trigger
- API: Added TriggerData#foundItem as a shorthand for data.holder.getProvider<ItemStack> ?: data.item
- Added native /enchant command
- Improvements to /ecoenchants gui and /enchantinfo
- Added %location_x%, %location_y%, %location_z%, and %location_world% placeholders (shorthand: %x%, %y%, %z%, %world%)
- Added /libreforge reloadextensions command
- Fixed repeats not working correctly (Fixes Tripleshot enchantment!)
- Fixed elytra_boost_save_chance (Fixes Rocket Saver enchantment!)
- Fixed severe bug where multiple copies of the same enchant wouldn't all activate
- Reworked holder loading, duplicate holders will now load properly
- Changed load order to startup
- Fixed ignite effect errors
- Added item_durability_multiplier effect
- Fixed DefaultArtifactVersion not existing for 1.17 users
- Fixed display bug for those with custom sorting setups
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