EcoEnchants ⭕ 250+ Enchantments ✅ Create Custom Enchants ✨ Essentials/CMI Support

MC Plugin EcoEnchants ⭕ 250+ Enchantments ✅ Create Custom Enchants ✨ Essentials/CMI Support 12.6.0
A custom enchantments plugin that doesn't suck.

- Fixed MultiMultiplierEffect-based effects, e.g. skill_xp_multiplier, job_xp_multiplier, pet_xp_multiplier, regen_multiplier, etc.
- Fixed empty item_levels NBT tag
- Added rapid_bows effect
- Added telekinesis effect
- Added close_inventory effect
- Fixed elytra_boost_save_chance effect (and all ChanceMultiplierEffect-based effects)

This update will break your existing rapid and telekinesis enchantments. Make sure to update rapid.yml and telekinesis.yml with the following effects:

- id: rapid_bows
percent_faster: "15 * %level%"

- id: telekinesis
- Improved and optimised change_world trigger (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed bleed effect triggering kill multiple times
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Reactions: Nguyen NgocAnh
- Fixed %level% not working in past 2 versions (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed static triggers not working since last version
- Added decimal support to bonus_health
- Added reason to regen_multiplier
- Added swarm effect
- Added target_player effect
- API: Updated how triggers are enabled
- Optimised trigger dispatching to prevent overhead from unused triggers
- Fixed effects not supporting certain triggers when the mutators would allow it
- API: Mutators now come with TriggerParameterTransformers to specify this behaviour
- Fixed bugs with dynamically registered triggers (e.g. enchant_<type>)
- Added send_minimessage effect (Requires Paper)
- Chain elements are now weighted, so you can make certain elements (effects) more likely than others if using the 'random' run-type.
- API: Chains can now be triggered directly without manually creating a DispatchedTrigger.
- Chains will now be considered executed if any element in them triggered successfully. This fixes bugs where effects lower down in chains are not executed if effects above them failed to run
- Fixed %hits% and %distance% not working
- Fixed feather_step effect breaking pressure plates
- Fixed multiply_velocity effect
- ConditionBlock#isMet is now thread-safe: this fixes many bugs, including where players could be kicked for seemingly no reason
- Massively optimised Condition not-met-lines
- Fixed custom placeholders not being formatted properly
- Added %ecoenchants_<id>_name% placeholder
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