EcoEnchants ⭕ 250+ Enchantments ✅ Create Custom Enchants ✨ Essentials/CMI Support

MC Plugin EcoEnchants ⭕ 250+ Enchantments ✅ Create Custom Enchants ✨ Essentials/CMI Support 12.5.1
A custom enchantments plugin that doesn't suck.

- Fixed unsafe velocity with launch (Thanks LoJoSho!)
- Added rotate effect; spins you around a certain number of degrees
- Added more trigger parameters supplied from: bow_attack, jump, melee_attack, mine_block, mine_block_progress, move, projectile_hit, static, toggle_flight, toggle_sneak, toggle_sprint, trident_attack
- TriggerData can now automatically infer Item and Velocity (where not explicitly supplied) from the Player and the Victim components (if present)
- Added no_source option to shoot and shoot_arrow, prevents retriggering effects (Like a ricochet effect for arrows)
- Added create_explosion effect (Thanks theAstra!)
- Moved loot enchant generation to be done on loot fill rather than on chunk generation (finally)
- Fixed error on startup for some EcoPets users
- Added spawn_potion_cloud effect
- Added add_holder effect; allows you to give custom effects/conditions temporarily on a trigger, for example you can give permanent effects temporarily using this, and a lot of other beautifully complex magic
- Removed now-unneeded patch since latest eco
- Fixed UUID clashes breaking attribute modifier effects between plugins
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