Boosters ⭕ EULA-Friendly Global Buffs ✅ Jobs/Skills/Sell Multipliers ✨ Create your own

MC Plugin Boosters ⭕ EULA-Friendly Global Buffs ✅ Jobs/Skills/Sell Multipliers ✨ Create your own 5.57.1
Add server-wide boosters to generate revenue without pay-to-win.

- Fixed minor bug with configs affecting some users
- Added mine_vein effect
- Fixed EcoJobs integration not being loaded
- Added fully_grown filter
- Added broadcast effect
- Added values to block_item_drop and entity_item_drop
- Added glow_nearby_blocks effect
- Fixed deprecated key categorization (check eco 6.40.0 release notes)
- Added place_block trigger
- Added level_up_job trigger (Requires EcoJobs)
- Added gain_job_xp trigger (Requires EcoJobs)
- Added has_active_job condition (Requires EcoJobs)
- Added has_job_level condition (Requires EcoJobs)
- Added job filter (Requires EcoJobs)
- Added give_job_xp effect (Requires EcoJobs)
- Added job_xp_multiplier (Requires EcoJobs)
- Added %victim_health% and %victim_max_health% placeholders to use in all effects
- Added above_health_percent filter - Reworked all filters to be like other config elements, allowing them to be hyphen-separated, underscore_separated, camelCase, and notseparated
- Fixed placeholders not working in filters
- Added is_expression_true condition
- Added support for victim placeholders; if the victim is a player, you can use %victim_<placeholder>% to parse a placeholder relative to them; for example %victim_player_y% to get the victim's Y coordinate
- Updated to eco 6.39.1; adding support for the min(a,b), max(a,b) and == operators in expressions
- Added a placeholder that represents the value passed by the trigger (e.g. the amount of damage dealt; see here). It can be referenced with %trigger_value%, %triggervalue%, %trigger%, %value%, %tv%, %v%, and %t%, depending on what level of shorthand you prefer.
- API: Added TriggerGroups (e.g. static_<interval>, custom_<id>) so you can programatically generate triggers with a common prefix
- Added has_item condition; like wearing_<armor piece>, except it just requires any item to be in the players inventory
- (API) Added HolderProvideEvent, with the ability to modify the list of holders that will be provided to the player
- Added shuffle_hotbar effect
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