Boosters ⭕ EULA-Friendly Global Buffs ✅ Jobs/Skills/Sell Multipliers ✨ Create your own

MC Plugin Boosters ⭕ EULA-Friendly Global Buffs ✅ Jobs/Skills/Sell Multipliers ✨ Create your own 5.57.1
Add server-wide boosters to generate revenue without pay-to-win.

- Added drop_item trigger (Thanks MillionthOdin16!)
- Added is_swimming condition (Thanks MillionthOdin16!)
- Added leash_entity trigger (Thanks MillionthOdin16!)
- Added teleport_to_ground effect
- Added in_block condition
- Fixed disable_antigrief_check not working
- Fixed autosmelt and multiply_drops not working together
- Added spawn_entity effect
- Fixed add_holder_in_radius effect
- Added add_damage effect
- Fixed startup error for some users
- Removed send_message_async due to bugs
- Added text_contains filter
- Added scyther_auto_sell trigger (Requires Scyther)
- Added scyther_auto_collect trigger (Requires Scyther)
- Added player_placed filter
- Added breed trigger
- Added join_job and leave_job triggers (Requires EcoJobs)
- Added sell_items effect
- Added LevelledMobs integration and the %victim_level% placeholder
- Added headshot trigger
- Removed block-item-drop-place-check from config.yml
- API: Added @RunLast annotation for triggered effects to specify them to be ran at the end if possible
- API: Added compile methods for groups of configs in the same context for effects and conditions
- API: Added TriggerCreatePlaceholdersEvent and API for trigger placeholders
- Added set_block effect
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