⚠ 1.8.8 | 1.9.4 | 1.10.2 | 1.11.2 | 1.12.2 ⚠
Download Here!
⚠ 1.14.4 | 1.15.2 | 1.16.3 | 1.16.5 | 1.17.1 | 1.18.1 ⚠
Download Here!
Read the entire page before you buy it!
Need support? PM me or contact me on Discord
You and up to 4 teammates spawn on islands. You must gather 4 resources: Iron, Gold, Diamonds and Emeralds to buy items and upgrades at the Shopkeepers on your island.Download Here!
⚠ 1.14.4 | 1.15.2 | 1.16.3 | 1.16.5 | 1.17.1 | 1.18.1 ⚠
Download Here!
Read the entire page before you buy it!
Need support? PM me or contact me on Discord
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/8k4Piij.png)
Each island has a Bed - if your Bed is destroyed you can no longer respawn. Place blocks around your bed to defend it from being destroyed. Destroy other teams' beds then kill them to win!
Servers using the plugin:
(Note: They may have an older version)
- herobrine.org
- play.minemalia.com
- play.kings-craft.com
- skykingdoms.net
- mc.gamster.org
- play.aquacraft.ca
- wonderlands.ge
- play.wincremicraft.eu
- play.alonefield.xyz
- slimecraft.club
- play.battleasya.com
- mc.3411.gg
- play.addicted2.ro
- play.projectice.tk
- shluv.net
- mc.dwacraft.co.uk
- mc.bbgc.live
- play.havengames.gq
- Play.LeviathanOG.Ro
- mc.zeusfield.com
- mc.mineplanet.de
- play.valatic.net
- hyperion-mc.net
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/aPSd1dF.png)
There isn't much customization
➽ Dynamic restore system that only restores the damage(TPS is unaffected, no need for 100 worlds for 100 arenas)
➽ TNT, Fireball jump
➽ Split generator
➽ Levels
➽ Commands are dynamically registered.
➽ Really low resource usage(Click Here)
➽ Played by ~10000 players daily!
➽ No bugs
➽ Built In Party system
➽ Easiest setup(With descriptions for what you must do)
➽ MySQL Support
➽ MultiArena (More signs on a server)
➽ BungeeMode (1 Game per server, activated from config)
➽ BedWars Features:
- Upgrades for Solo and Team
- Solo(8 islands of 1 player each)
- Doubles(8 islands of 2 players each)
- 3v3v3v3
- 4v4v4v4
- Custom (Up to 8 islands with N number of players, x number of diamond generators, y number of emerald generators)
- Progressive lobby removal when game starts
- Best rollback system, completly laggless making it perfect for large amount of players with smaller cpu powers
- Using the smallest amount of ram it needs to function
- QuickJoin command per mode or global
- Command execution for win/loses/beddestroyed and kills
- Level system placeholders with colors per group(e.g 1-99 gray)
- Placeholders for leaderboard/personal score and game scores
- Team selector that will dynamically change
- The most realistic generator animation
- Well optimized code
- Mobs make no sounds (AI less)