
MC Plugin ActionBar 7.7.0
Animated group specific action bar with 4000+ placeholders




- Permission based actionbar animation groups. So this can also be world specific
- 4600+ placeholders from a lot of different plugins even premium ones
- In depth placeholder configuration for some plugins (what they return)
- High performance (no lagg at all)
- Sync configurations between multiple servers in case you are lazy
- Developer API to add placeholders
- Formatting tags allowing you to format text or placeholders (upper or lower case, substring ,...)
- Announcement actionbar's
- Backwards compatibility to the protocol hacks
- Event triggered actionbars

This plugin allows you to send action bar text to players. You can change the text and interval allowing you to make flashing text or maybe just a news board.

On top of that you can send different actionbars to different players. Just give them the permission of another actionbar to send that one instead. This allows you to remove vote messages for donators for example.

Just like the other plugins it support variables such as player, bungeecord player count, and more... (+4600)
- Spigot 1.7.X Protocol hack or higher
- MVdWPlaceholderAPI

If you need help configuring just contact me on freshdesk

Q: I do not want the text to switch, do I need to set the interval to a high value?
A: No, if you only have 1 line in the text: list it won't switch or refresh

Q: When does the actionbar refresh?
A: Default it will refresh every 20ticks (since the action bar disappears, the action bar is in a constant loop and not really meant to fade)
Author FateKid
6,835 pts
7.7.0 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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