Topic My memory resets every 24 hours… Ask me anything







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Hi all:

This is one of my “starter” threads that I post just about everywhere to not only get a feel for the software and site; but also so the site can get an understanding of me..

To put nicely, life has been heck. As a result, my memory seems to wipe itself clean about every 24 hours. Every day is like a blank piece of paper, completely bank and empty until you add to it. My fiancée is absolutely amazing, and even though I won’t remember her tomorrow, she’s very supportive and understanding.

The doctors believe that given all the trauma I’ve seen which I’m not going to get into that my memory rewriting over itself is a very extreme coping mechanism as “what’s not there can’t be tampered with“.

For me there are 2 different types of events:
1) going “back to one” is a clean slate; I know nothing or no one
2) going “back to a checkpoint” preserves everything before the checkpoint and the checkpoint itself; whereas everything after the checkpoint is lost.

Lets take this example: wake up, take meds, (checkpoint), phone call, check email, meeting, (checkpoint), lunch, meeting, phone call, (back to checkpoint 1)

This would result in me knowing i have awaken, and taken my meds but nothing more.

So, tell me, feel free to ask me anything about my condition, my life, etc. and I’ll do my best to answer. The only real rule I ask of you is please nothing intentionally demeaning, hurtful, etc.

Prior to posting; I’ll have my Digital Trust & Safety Team look over my responses to ensure I don’t give out personal information of myself or others. This process will occur offline and then I’ll respond here with the approved answer.

Please also note that I don’t think there’s any such thing as a “stupid question” thus any question will be taken seriously and answered to the best of my ability

Let’s have fun with this!












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Wow, this sounds like a movie!
I’m sorry to hear about this, however it must have perks along with it :) not having to remember certain things.

I definitely understand that it must be hard to handle living like that, and it’s great to see your fiancé is very supportive and understanding.

What’s the hardest thing to do during your daily life as a result of this condition?







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Wow, this sounds like a movie!
I’m sorry to hear about this, however it must have perks along with it :) not having to remember certain things.

I definitely understand that it must be hard to handle living like that, and it’s great to see your fiancé is very supportive and understanding.

What’s the hardest thing to do during your daily life as a result of this condition?
Sorry for the late response; I totally forgot I had an account here until my Digital Services Unit sent me a follow-up IM "Hey, it's been almost 48 since your registered at, how's the experience?"

My response was: "I don't recognize that site, is it in keychain?"

After they sent me the keychain link; I found this thread so I am sorry for the lat reply.

As to answer your question; the hardest part of today has to be my Financee's sister; I ask her who she is as she gives me like 12 pieces of information when I need one at a time for in-person interactions.

the flow with anyone in person goes like this:
Me: OK, let's look you up. *ask my team for a remote lookup*
Me: Can I get your GN (Given Name)
Them: John
Me: Next, can I get your MI or MN (Middle Name or Middle Initial) if you have one?
them: Quincy
Me: Can I get your LN (Last Name)
them: Citizen
Me: Finally, can I get your organization name or vendor number. If you're supplying a vendor number; please be sure to mention the VX at the start. If you don't have one; say "skip it"
Them: Skip it
Me: *send information to team for lookup*

As we can see, each part of the process is one piece of information at a time. For some that has to be the pain point. But for me; there really is no "hardest part" per se. I say this: "Losing my ability to remember is probably the best thing to have happened to me." When peoples' mouths fall to the floor in amazement it really is fun. The reason I'm so happy that I don't remember; is that every day is "brand new", I get to experience the positive things (meeting my fiancee, eating favorite foods, etc.) "brand new", anything negative (a bad interaction with my fiancee's sister or brother, an abuse event, etc.) just goes *poof* never to be remembered again unless the event was captured on my body-worn camera or written down in my Digital Notebook

I hope this is a sufficient answer and I look forward to more questions












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5,910 XP

Sorry for the late response; I totally forgot I had an account here until my Digital Services Unit sent me a follow-up IM "Hey, it's been almost 48 since your registered at, how's the experience?"

My response was: "I don't recognize that site, is it in keychain?"

After they sent me the keychain link; I found this thread so I am sorry for the lat reply.

As to answer your question; the hardest part of today has to be my Financee's sister; I ask her who she is as she gives me like 12 pieces of information when I need one at a time for in-person interactions.

the flow with anyone in person goes like this:
Me: OK, let's look you up. *ask my team for a remote lookup*
Me: Can I get your GN (Given Name)
Them: John
Me: Next, can I get your MI or MN (Middle Name or Middle Initial) if you have one?
them: Quincy
Me: Can I get your LN (Last Name)
them: Citizen
Me: Finally, can I get your organization name or vendor number. If you're supplying a vendor number; please be sure to mention the VX at the start. If you don't have one; say "skip it"
Them: Skip it
Me: *send information to team for lookup*

As we can see, each part of the process is one piece of information at a time. For some that has to be the pain point. But for me; there really is no "hardest part" per se. I say this: "Losing my ability to remember is probably the best thing to have happened to me." When peoples' mouths fall to the floor in amazement it really is fun. The reason I'm so happy that I don't remember; is that every day is "brand new", I get to experience the positive things (meeting my fiancee, eating favorite foods, etc.) "brand new", anything negative (a bad interaction with my fiancee's sister or brother, an abuse event, etc.) just goes *poof* never to be remembered again unless the event was captured on my body-worn camera or written down in my Digital Notebook

I hope this is a sufficient answer and I look forward to more questions

Wow, very well-described.
That still amazes me. I feel like I would go crazy, but again I have no clue what it’s like to live this way.

I see your point where everyday is a new day, and that would be a very unique and special type of experience to live through.

I would be terrified of forgetting the most important people to me. It’s really cool to see so many people supporting you throughout this.







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Wow, very well-described.
That still amazes me. I feel like I would go crazy, but again I have no clue what it’s like to live this way.

I see your point where everyday is a new day, and that would be a very unique and special type of experience to live through.

I would be terrified of forgetting the most important people to me. It’s really cool to see so many people supporting you throughout this.
I am going to be honest with you, forgetting the people that are most important to me is almost a non-issue. Because once they were locked up using the workflow described earlier, they pretty much stay where they are until either the next day or unless I go back to a checkpoint prior to them introducing themselves again. It’s always fun to look at the profiles of people that I’ve met. It’s fun. Thanks again for your kind words.
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