⭐ProLootChests⭐On Sale!

MC Plugin ⭐ProLootChests⭐On Sale! 1.0.5
Your next-generation reward system, configure it like a big server!

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The ProLootChests is a reward-system inspired by a big server.
You can configure nearly everything you see!

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  • Fantastic Animations. We are trying our best to create the best box-opening experience for your players, so we add many beautiful animations, sounds, particles to make the experience a perfect one!

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  • Packet-Based System. We use ProtocolLib to create everything you see! Which means all the animations, sounds, particles can only be seen by the player who is opening the chest!
  • Fully Customizable 3D-Menu System. You can edit the icons, actions of every 3D-Menu object, the tutorials are in next section.
  • Fully Customizable GUI-Menu System. You can edit the GUI on your own! You can not only use custom-skull as icon, but also set the Click-Action of the icon!
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  • Custom Rarities System. You can customize the name and the loot-chance of every rarity!
  • Unlimited Rewards System. You can add unlimited rewards according to your needs. You can not only set the icon of the reward, but also set the RewardsCommands!
  • Storage Through YAML or MySQL.
  • PlaceholderAPI Support.
  • And Many More...
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  • Purchase the resource.
  • Install lastest version of ProtocolLib.
  • Install ProLootChests.jar.
  • Restart your server.
  • Finished! Don't forget to join our discord to get support !
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  • /plc setLocation - Set the box-open location.
  • /plc gui - Open the main GUI.
  • /plc addChest [Player] [Amount] - Add Loot Chests to a player.
  • /plc setChest [player] [Amount] - Set a player''s loot chests amount.
  • plc.admin - Access to admin comands.

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Here I will show you how to customize the 3D-Menu and GUI-Menu.
Please follow the tutorials step by step!
Customize 3D-Menu
  • Open HologramMenus.yml in Menus folder.
  • Here you can configure the Main Menu and menu after opening a loot chest.
  • Then here I use "Close" icon as an example.
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  • Name is the icon name displayed above the icon.
  • IconType, you can choose from ITEM, BLOCK, TOOL, CUSTOM_SKULL. If you choose ITEM/BLOCK/TOOL, you should add a line called Material and MaterialData, which stands for the item you choose, you can see the example from other pre-created icons. If you choose CUSTOM_SKULL, you should add a line called Skull, here you should put the Skin-Value of the head you want, you can get it from MineSkin.org.
  • Position, here are the 10 positions where you can add or remove icons! Remember don't set the icon beyond these positions!
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  • Action and Value, you can choose the Action from MESSAGE, CLOSE, NONE and OPEN_CHEST. If you choose MESSAGE, you should put the message you want in Value.
  • Keep in mind that you cannot add items of the locations where rewards will be displayed in the FinishOpenMenu! The locations are X2Y2, X3Y2, X3Y3, or players cannot see the rewards!
  • Finished! Now you should be able to customize the menu as you want!

Customize GUI-Menu
  • PLC has provided a fully-functional and fully-customizable GUI system, you can add unlimited items to a GUI, now follow the guide below to customize your menu!
  • Open MainMenu.yml.
  • In Settings section, you can set the title of the menu and the decorations.
  • In Items section, you can add unlimited items as you want.
  • Here I use YourCustomItem1 as an example.
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  • Name is the item name.
  • In the Item section, you can not only put a Minecraft original item, but also put custom skulls. To use custom skull, first you should set the Item to CUSTOM_SKULL. Then you need to add a key called Skull. If you want to use a custom skull, just paste the Skin Value after the Skull key. If you want to use the player's skull, u should set the Skull value to <PLAYER>. You can find an example in the pre-made icons.
  • Then set the Amount, Data, Location and Lore of the item.
  • Action is a powerful thing, it allows u to configure what will happen when player click on this item! There're 5 types of actions you can choose:
    NONE: Don't do anything when click.
    OPEN_CHEST: Open a loot chest.
    COMMAND_PLAYER: Run a command as player when click.
    COMMAND_CONSOLE: Run a command as console when click.
    MESSAGES: Send a message when click.
  • Keep in mind that u should follow the following format to set an action: ActionType:ActionContent.
  • Examples can be found in pre-made icons.
Author FateKid
5,910 pts
1.0.5 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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