NextGens - Minecraft Gens Tycoon Plugin

MC Plugin NextGens - Minecraft Gens Tycoon Plugin 1.1.1
All-in-one solution for gens/tycoon plugin optimized for big networks


After a couple of months of investigating an issue and receiving various feedback, I can come up with updates that can solve database issues and improve the plugin's quality overall, I'm confident and can deliver new features easily without worrying about previous problems. Thank you for the feedback and support throughout this journey, also thank you guys for being patient with this project.

[+] Information will be displayed upon generator pick up from the view GUI.
[+] Fixed generators dupe on server restart.
[+] Fixed sellwand can be used in areas that you do not have access.
[+] Potentially fix database issue while saving generator data.
[+] Removed auto-save and save on stop action to improve database handling.
[+] Removed misleading log.
[+] Add /gens removeall <player> command (requested by sh0ckadv for rebirth system)


[+] Add 1.20.3 and 1.20.4 support
[+] Add AdvancedChests Support (now you can use sellwand on advanced chests)
[+] Fix the permission multiplier issue
[+] Tweaking the multiplier display
[+] Sellwand can no longer be used like regular Minecraft vanilla tools.
[+] Add command to force start corruption event /gens startcorruption
[+] Fix generators can be used in grindstone
[+] Tweak the database saving system
[+] Automatically remove the generator if corrupted/invalid
[+] Add /gens view command
[+] Add online only option per generator (you can add 'online-only: true' to the generator config)
[+] Now you can play a custom sound using the resource pack
[+] Add player generator limit (similar to generator max, except this value cannot be modified and it will override generator max system)
[+] Add player multiplier limit
[+] Fix head texture not parsed correctly
[+] Prevent generators with sponge block absorb water
Changelogs v1.0.9
[+] Add 1.20.2 support
[+] Bringing back permission-based multiplier (nextgens.multiplier.sell.<percentage>)
[+] Add player's inventory auto sell feature (nextgens.autosell.inv.<interval in seconds>)
[+] Add player's gens auto sell feature (nextgens.autosell.gens)
[+] Add player settings with gui and command to open it
[+] Add new multiple options to the event, the chance of the event being choose and toggle whether the event can only be activated with command, please check the default config for example
[+] Improving the database system
[+] Fix per player generators slots not being saved
[+] Fix multiple config mistake
[+] Potentially fixed where you can dupe generators on server restarts
[+] Fix where you can dupe generators using gens upgrade gui
[+] Fix an issue regarding the random event option
[+] Add FabledSkyblock support!
[+] Expand the Developer API by adding a event related stuff

[-] Remove toggle cashback command
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