NextGens - Minecraft Gens Tycoon Plugin

MC Plugin NextGens - Minecraft Gens Tycoon Plugin 1.1.1
All-in-one solution for gens/tycoon plugin optimized for big networks

Required Dependencies
Vault: Used for economy integration.
PlaceholderAPI: Used for implementation of placeholder inside the plugin.

Optional Dependencies
SuperiorSkyblock2: Used for ensuring there are no "ghost" generators (usually occurs when a player got kicked out of their island or their island is being removed)
BentoBox: Used for ensuring there are no "ghost" generators (usually occurs when a player got kicked out of their island or their island is being removed)
DecentHolograms: Used to make corrupted generators looks more appealing.
HolographicDisplays: Used to make corrupted generators looks more appealing.
ShopGUIPlus: Used to detect prices of various items and make them sellable with /sell command.
WildTools: Used to make the pricing of certain items match with NextGens.
DeluxeSellwands: Used to make the pricing of certain items match with NextGens. If you want to hook with DeluxeSellwands, use "NEXTGENS" on their price provider
LWC: Used to detect protected chest, it's used to prevent players from using sellwand on the chest that they don't have access to.
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