NekoTraps 1.16 - 1.20.4 | Save all mobs in boxes!

MC Plugin NekoTraps 1.16 - 1.20.4 | Save all mobs in boxes! 1.5.0
Trap your entities in boxes!

[ x ] An error was fixed that caused if you placed a NekoTrap with a quantity of 1 in hand, it wouldn't be removed and you could place infinite ones. (This only happened in lower versions)
[ + ] added "allow_block_trap_in_protected_region" in config - This option allows nekotraps placed on the ground to trap entities in protected regions.
[ / ] Internal changes were made to improve functionality. If you encounter any errors, please report them.
[ / ] Now the trap can also break if it has a mob inside when thrown
[ + ] Compatibility with QuickShop-Hikari added
[ x ] An error with the placeholder %translated_type% alongside hexadecimal colors has been fixed
[ + ] [ + ] The option trap_mob_throw was added to allow boxes with a mob inside to be thrown and opened upon collision with something
[ + ] added /nekotraps reload command
[ x ] An error with the world configuration has been corrected.
[ / ] Now traps can be placed on full snow blocks and on some plants.
[ + ] The option to block by worlds has been added
[ + ] The "%translated_type%" placeholder has been added, automatically translating the entity type into the player's client language. For example: "Type: Zombie."

[ + ] The "%entity_type%" placeholder has been modified; now, the entity type will be automatically translated into the player's client language. For example: "Zombie."

[ x ] Placeholder values like %entity_health% are now rounded to have fewer decimal places.
[ x ] fix trap item name
[ x ] Removed a broadcast that appears when place a trap. (I forgot to remove it)
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