![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/BQYTRZKf/logo2-65-1.jpg)
----- General -----
Experience specific in-game events and get ready to immerse yourself in a world of adventure. Explore the extensive range of abilities available to you and create new and exciting gameplay experiences. The plugin also offers 18 additional races, each with two sub-races, adding more depth and diversity to your gameplay.
Investing in MythicalRaces premium means unlocking a world of creativity and possibilities. With this plugin, you'll have the power to take your gameplay to the next level.
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/dtC5r7Vm/Artboard-1.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/xdf1N0cy/awdawdawawd.png)
^Note there are more than 51 types of events - image above is slightly outdated view the list of events here
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/XvYySKcb/awduawdawdwad.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/mrnkvvgY/ihdawdwda.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/gkpjbqmT/awuhdawddw.png)
^ There are 14 total default classes - image above is slightly outdated
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/dtC5r7Vm/Artboard-1.png)
- Leaderboard command
- Add race XP command
- Custom GUI heads
- Leaving race execute commands
- Temperature attribute & potion effect specific situations
- Block attribute & potion effect specific situations effects
- Biome attribute & potion effect specific situations effects
- Y-axis attribute & potion effect situation effects
- Light level attribute & potion effect situation effects
- Custom ability command situations with more than 53 event types
- Each event type is highly customizable
- The ability to create as many races as you desire, and can create up to 53 evolutions for a base race
- Custom leveling [12 different types of leveling]
- Add many types of sub-trees for one race, (use the discord server there is a picture containing how to do it within the support channel and pins)
- GUI selection of races
- Randomized race selection upon joining (optional choice)
- A race tree evolution for races
- Class system
- Sub classes can have up to 53 sub classes
- Classes can also utilize abilities
- Autotab Completer
- MySQL Support
- WorldGuard Support
- Use abilities for even more specific leveling options
- Ability to use particle effects with abilities
- A scripting engine to allow dynamic gameplay that incorporates if statements, supports basic arithmetic calculations, and allows use of variables.
- %mythicalraces_race%
- %mythicalraces_display_race_name%
- %mythicalraces_cooldown_time%
- %mythicalraces_has_cooldown%
- %mythicalraces_get_xp%
- %mythicalraces_get_level%
- %mythicalraces_get_max_xp%
- %mythicalraces_get_xp/max_xp%
- %mythicalraces_class%
- %mythicalraces_display_class_name%
- %mythicalraces_cooldown_time_class%
- %mythicalraces_has_cooldown_class%
- %mythicalraces_get_xp_class%
- %mythicalraces_get_level_class%
- %mythicalraces_get_max_xp_class%
- %mythicalraces_get_xp/max_xp_class%
- %mythicalraces_leaderboard_num_[leaderboard position]
- /races choose [race] | mythicalraces.race.[race] example (mythicalraces.race.Elf) OR mythicalraces.class.[class]
- /races help | mythicalraces.help
- /races info [race] | mythicalraces.info.races
- /races gui | mythicalraces.gui
- /races classgui | mythicalraces.gui.class
- /races tree | mythicalraces.tree
- /races classtree | mythicalraces.tree.class
- /races profile | mythicalraces.profile
- /races profile [player] | mythicalraces.profile.other
- /races set {race} {player} | mythicalraces.race.setrace [Do not give to default players]
- /races biome | mythicalraces.biome
- /races list | mythicalraces.list.races
- /races lvlset [player] [level] | mythicalraces.lvlset
- /races lvlsetclass [player] [level] | mythicalraces.lvlsetclass
- /races leaderboard | mythicalraces.leaderboard
- /races addxp [player] [xp] | mythicalraces.addxp
- /races addxpclass [player] [xp]
- /races rcooldown [player] | mythicalraces.rcooldown
- /races sub [race/class] | mythicalraces.sub.display
- /races toggle | mythicalraces.toggle
- /races toggleplayer | mythicalraces.toggle.player
- /races reset [player] | mythicalraces.reset
- mythicalraces.cooldown.bypass to bypass race choosing cooldowns
- /races kitgui |
mythicalraces.kitgui - /races kit | mythicalraces.kit
- /races kit [kit] | mythicalraces.kit.[Kit name]
- Permissions for kit bypasses |
mythicalraces.kit.bypasscooldown - /mraddons execute [player] [race/class] [ability position] (limited to custom abilities only)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/dtC5r7Vm/Artboard-1.png)
The thing about commands is that they allow billions of possibilities, rather than just allowing certain 'abilities' at a time. You can instead get a lot more versatile with this plugin.
Can I get some examples? If you go onto the free version of mythical races, there are a ton of videos there to help you out. As well as the videos on this page as well.
Copy the Minecraft-URL link and put it inside 'material' with a semi colon at the end
Copy the Minecraft-URL link and put it inside 'material' with a semi colon at the end
Kitten -> Cat -> Sphinx
Caterpillar -> Chrysalis -> GreaterButterfly
Cub -> Scout -> Bear
Lesser Apotamkin -> Apotamkin -> Greater Apotamkin
Dying Human -> Skeleton -> Lich
Infected Human -> Zombie -> Undead Lord
Lesser Fairy -> Fairy -> Pixie
Horse -> Unicorn -> Pegasus
Lesser Cyclopse -> Cyclopse -> OneEyedLord
Green Goo -> Lucky-Goo -> Lepricon
Lesser Yeti -> Greater Yeti -> Grandmaster Yeti
Lesser Snake -> King Cobra -> Divine Slither
Wraith -> Ghoul -> Reaper
Lesser Scaled -> Wyvern -> Dragon
Baby Griffen -> YoungGriffen -> Griffen
Seed -> Sprout -> Dryad
Mutated Organism -> Lesser Chimera -> Chimera
Snowball -> Snow Golem -> Elder Snow Golem
And of course the default races from the free version
Here is the lore + abilities of each one word wise
Caterpillar -> Chrysalis -> GreaterButterfly
Cub -> Scout -> Bear
Lesser Apotamkin -> Apotamkin -> Greater Apotamkin
Dying Human -> Skeleton -> Lich
Infected Human -> Zombie -> Undead Lord
Lesser Fairy -> Fairy -> Pixie
Horse -> Unicorn -> Pegasus
Lesser Cyclopse -> Cyclopse -> OneEyedLord
Green Goo -> Lucky-Goo -> Lepricon
Lesser Yeti -> Greater Yeti -> Grandmaster Yeti
Lesser Snake -> King Cobra -> Divine Slither
Wraith -> Ghoul -> Reaper
Lesser Scaled -> Wyvern -> Dragon
Baby Griffen -> YoungGriffen -> Griffen
Seed -> Sprout -> Dryad
Mutated Organism -> Lesser Chimera -> Chimera
Snowball -> Snow Golem -> Elder Snow Golem
And of course the default races from the free version
Here is the lore + abilities of each one word wise
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/Kzjb1TcB/image.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/MpGZ6zCK/awdygadwadw.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/9MtSRqNJ/ezgif-3-8955fff45b.gif)
- 'CUSTOMABILITY====STICK====execute at {name} run effect give @e[sort=nearest,x={x},y={y},z={z},limit=1] minecraft:poison 3 10====100====10====SELF====ALL====RIGHTCLICKAIRRAYTRACE====20'
- 'CUSTOMABILITY====STICK====execute at {name} run particle minecraft:crit {x} {y} {z}====100====10====SELF====ALL====RIGHTCLICKAIRRAYTRACELOCATION====20'
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/Wzj1PrQV/ezgif-3-598cf358de.gif)
- 'CUSTOMABILITY====KILL====execute at {name} run effect give @e[sort=nearest,x={x},y={y},z={z},limit=1] minecraft:instant_damage 10 10====100====10====CUSTOM10:FLAME:3:0.2:INSTANT:CROSS====ALL====CHATLOUDEVENT'
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/TYgBDFLt/ezgif-2-53021feabd.gif)
- 'CUSTOMABILITY====heal====execute at {name} run effect give @e[sort=nearest,x={x},y={y},z={z},limit=1] minecraft:regeneration 10 10====100====10====CUSTOM10:ENCHANTMENT_TABLE:4:0.2:FAST:UPWARDCIRCLES====ALL====CHATLOUDEVENT'
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/dtC5r7Vm/Artboard-1.png)
----- Basic Tutorial -----
----- Another Tutorial -----
---- Particle Effect Tutorial ----
---- Properly making races and making the plugin scalable ----
----- Another Tutorial -----
---- Particle Effect Tutorial ----
---- Properly making races and making the plugin scalable ----