⭐️ Mythical Races Premium ⭐️ 1.18.x - 1.20.x ⭐️

MC Plugin ⭐️ Mythical Races Premium ⭐️ 1.18.x - 1.20.x ⭐️ 2.5.8-Experimental-SE-V1
A flexible, advanced plugin with races, abilities, potion effects, attributes, and classes


----- General -----
Discover the endless possibilities of MythicalRaces premium, the ultimate upgrade to the already existing MythicalRaces plugin. Unleash your imagination with new features and customizations, including an array of abilities that offer unparalleled capabilities. With MythicalRaces premium, you can make hundreds and thousands of different abilities, each one unique to its own mythical race.

Experience specific in-game events and get ready to immerse yourself in a world of adventure. Explore the extensive range of abilities available to you and create new and exciting gameplay experiences. The plugin also offers 18 additional races, each with two sub-races, adding more depth and diversity to your gameplay.

Investing in MythicalRaces premium means unlocking a world of creativity and possibilities. With this plugin, you'll have the power to take your gameplay to the next level.


^Note there are more than 51 types of events - image above is slightly outdated view the list of events here

^ There are 14 total default classes - image above is slightly outdated

  • Leaderboard command
  • Add race XP command
  • Custom GUI heads
  • Leaving race execute commands
  • Temperature attribute & potion effect specific situations
  • Block attribute & potion effect specific situations effects
  • Biome attribute & potion effect specific situations effects
  • Y-axis attribute & potion effect situation effects
  • Light level attribute & potion effect situation effects
  • Custom ability command situations with more than 53 event types
  • Each event type is highly customizable
  • The ability to create as many races as you desire, and can create up to 53 evolutions for a base race
  • Custom leveling [12 different types of leveling]
  • Add many types of sub-trees for one race, (use the discord server there is a picture containing how to do it within the support channel and pins)
  • GUI selection of races
  • Randomized race selection upon joining (optional choice)
  • A race tree evolution for races
  • Class system
  • Sub classes can have up to 53 sub classes
  • Classes can also utilize abilities
  • Autotab Completer
  • MySQL Support
  • WorldGuard Support
  • Use abilities for even more specific leveling options
  • Ability to use particle effects with abilities
  • A scripting engine to allow dynamic gameplay that incorporates if statements, supports basic arithmetic calculations, and allows use of variables.
PAPI Placeholders
  • %mythicalraces_race%
  • %mythicalraces_display_race_name%
  • %mythicalraces_cooldown_time%
  • %mythicalraces_has_cooldown%
  • %mythicalraces_get_xp%
  • %mythicalraces_get_level%
  • %mythicalraces_get_max_xp%
  • %mythicalraces_get_xp/max_xp%
  • %mythicalraces_class%
  • %mythicalraces_display_class_name%
  • %mythicalraces_cooldown_time_class%
  • %mythicalraces_has_cooldown_class%
  • %mythicalraces_get_xp_class%
  • %mythicalraces_get_level_class%
  • %mythicalraces_get_max_xp_class%
  • %mythicalraces_get_xp/max_xp_class%
  • %mythicalraces_leaderboard_num_[leaderboard position]
Commands and Permissions
  • /races choose [race] | mythicalraces.race.[race] example (mythicalraces.race.Elf) OR mythicalraces.class.[class]
  • /races help | mythicalraces.help
  • /races info [race] | mythicalraces.info.races
  • /races gui | mythicalraces.gui
  • /races classgui | mythicalraces.gui.class
  • /races tree | mythicalraces.tree
  • /races classtree | mythicalraces.tree.class
  • /races profile | mythicalraces.profile
  • /races profile [player] | mythicalraces.profile.other
  • /races set {race} {player} | mythicalraces.race.setrace [Do not give to default players]
  • /races biome | mythicalraces.biome
  • /races list | mythicalraces.list.races
  • /races lvlset [player] [level] | mythicalraces.lvlset
  • /races lvlsetclass [player] [level] | mythicalraces.lvlsetclass
  • /races leaderboard | mythicalraces.leaderboard
  • /races addxp [player] [xp] | mythicalraces.addxp
  • /races addxpclass [player] [xp]
  • /races rcooldown [player] | mythicalraces.rcooldown
  • /races sub [race/class] | mythicalraces.sub.display
  • /races toggle | mythicalraces.toggle
  • /races toggleplayer | mythicalraces.toggle.player
  • /races reset [player] | mythicalraces.reset
  • mythicalraces.cooldown.bypass to bypass race choosing cooldowns
  • /races kitgui |
  • /races kit | mythicalraces.kit
  • /races kit [kit] | mythicalraces.kit.[Kit name]
  • Permissions for kit bypasses |
  • /mraddons execute [player] [race/class] [ability position] (limited to custom abilities only)

The thing about commands is that they allow billions of possibilities, rather than just allowing certain 'abilities' at a time. You can instead get a lot more versatile with this plugin.
Can I get some examples? If you go onto the free version of mythical races, there are a ton of videos there to help you out. As well as the videos on this page as well.

Copy the Minecraft-URL link and put it inside 'material' with a semi colon at the end

Kitten -> Cat -> Sphinx
Caterpillar -> Chrysalis -> GreaterButterfly
Cub -> Scout -> Bear
Lesser Apotamkin -> Apotamkin -> Greater Apotamkin
Dying Human -> Skeleton -> Lich
Infected Human -> Zombie -> Undead Lord
Lesser Fairy -> Fairy -> Pixie
Horse -> Unicorn -> Pegasus
Lesser Cyclopse -> Cyclopse -> OneEyedLord
Green Goo -> Lucky-Goo -> Lepricon
Lesser Yeti -> Greater Yeti -> Grandmaster Yeti
Lesser Snake -> King Cobra -> Divine Slither
Wraith -> Ghoul -> Reaper
Lesser Scaled -> Wyvern -> Dragon
Baby Griffen -> YoungGriffen -> Griffen
Seed -> Sprout -> Dryad
Mutated Organism -> Lesser Chimera -> Chimera
Snowball -> Snow Golem -> Elder Snow Golem

And of course the default races from the free version
Here is the lore + abilities of each one word wise




        - 'CUSTOMABILITY====STICK====execute at {name} run effect give @e[sort=nearest,x={x},y={y},z={z},limit=1] minecraft:poison 3 10====100====10====SELF====ALL====RIGHTCLICKAIRRAYTRACE====20'
        - 'CUSTOMABILITY====STICK====execute at {name} run particle minecraft:crit {x} {y} {z}====100====10====SELF====ALL====RIGHTCLICKAIRRAYTRACELOCATION====20'

        - 'CUSTOMABILITY====KILL====execute at {name} run effect give @e[sort=nearest,x={x},y={y},z={z},limit=1] minecraft:instant_damage 10 10====100====10====CUSTOM10:FLAME:3:0.2:INSTANT:CROSS====ALL====CHATLOUDEVENT'

       - 'CUSTOMABILITY====heal====execute at {name} run effect give @e[sort=nearest,x={x},y={y},z={z},limit=1] minecraft:regeneration 10 10====100====10====CUSTOM10:ENCHANTMENT_TABLE:4:0.2:FAST:UPWARDCIRCLES====ALL====CHATLOUDEVENT'

----- Basic Tutorial -----

----- Another Tutorial -----

---- Particle Effect Tutorial ----

---- Properly making races and making the plugin scalable ----
Author shanruto
4,875 pts
2.5.8-Experimental-SE-V1 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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