
MC Plugin Guilds
[1.8.8-1.20.X Support] [90+ Commands] RPG, GUIs, Land Claims, Arenas, Guild Wars, MySQL and more!

- Added initial support for 1.20.X

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug related to banking commands

- Currently dealing with some real life stuff, hope to be back soon.
-Hey all, this update primarily focuses on the developer experience for those that have addons that hook into Guilds. I've spent the last week updating and implementing 1000s of new lines of Javadocs for the plugin. I've also published the Javadocs to an updated site:

The goal behind this was to give a better quality of life setup for developers working with the plugin so they had a better idea of what all was going on with the code.

This update features a decently sized cache overhaul in the backend and you should see much better performance.

Originally tested with around 150 players online, and 10,000 guilds, the previous update was using up to 9.67% of a tick and now we have no seen more than 0.03% of a tick, a 99.69% improvement overall.

- Added support for 1.19.4
- Added a new placeholder in essentials chat hook for guild tier
- Major cache overhaul for better performance

Bug Fixes
- Modified a broad range of classes that touch InputStreams to ensure that the resources are being closed properly to help protect against issues such as memory leaks
- Fixed a bug where some command suggestions would suggest players in vanish
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the syntax translation options were not showing up in the non-default language file
- Implemented the ability to create translations for syntaxes used in commands (all of these are found in the lang files) : msg, name, player, amount, guild, new-name, motd, prefix, vault-number, arena, position, code, uses, language, new-backend
- Added support for 1.19.3
- Added a configuration option to enable Unicode / UTF-8 support for the SQL backends
- Implemented a new section for experimental features. Please read the description them first and MAKE A BACKUP FIRST before enabling them. The first experimental feature implemented is using member skull textures in the guild members gui

Bug Fixes
- Fixed /guild arena list not properly mapping the names to display to the end user
- Fixed a couple situations where a player would not be removed from the guil/ally chat
- Fixed a couple situations where interacting with bank balance could allow for very long decimal amounts
- Fixed some inconsistencies with claims in terms of their Y level on specific versions of Minecraft
- Fixed a locale issue for the rounding of decimals and guild bank balance based on where the server was hosted
- Fixed the Win/Loss Ratio placeholders throwing errors in certain situations. For guilds to be counted as valid here, they must have at least one win and one loss

- The config setting "settings.syntax-name" has been migrated to the translation files to follow the new translation syntaxes
- Removed the "carry-over" option from tiers as it caused some confusion on how it actually functioned
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