Force Resourcepacks

MC Plugin Force Resourcepacks 1.12.13
[1.8-1.20.4] Send resourcepacks globally/per server/world. Execute actions! Spigot, Bungee&Velocity

  • Added 1.20.5 version and pack format 32 support
  • Fix an issue with running the plugin on a 1.8.8 server leading to FRP not being able to detect the protocol version leading to pack formats not working properly
  • Fixes that subtitles show the title on Velocity
  • Fix that the stored-packs-override-assignments config option did not lead to the stored pack overriding any other assignments for 1.20.3+ clients
  • Fix a possible NullPointerException in certain cases
  • Fix that the user's pack(s) weren't communicated properly between the proxy and the Minecraft server if the plugin was installed on both leading to packs getting reset or not getting sent at all when they shouldn't
  • Update to new Velocity resource pack API and fix exception related to it
  • This fixes an error that causes the pack not getting sent properly again after the player timed out (and potentially in other cases)
  • Improve compatibility with future Spigot versions
  • Fix a possible NPE when a server behind a BungeeCord proxy tries to remove a pack unknown by FRP
  • Fix PackActionAssignments missing the packs list when displayed as strings in debug messages
  • Fix multiple packs not properly applying when running the plugin on certain Spigot-forks
  • Reduce the executor timeout on shutdown to 2 seconds from 10 when running the plugin on Spigot
  • Fix a case where the packs list was written in a wrong way when saving the config
  • Fix /usepack adding packs instead of overriding existing ones in 1.20.3+ (now works the same way as before again)
  • Fix /resetpack command adding the pack if one was stored instead of replacing existing ones like before on 1.20.3+.
  • Changed the communication between the proxy and backend servers to improve maintainability and security.
    There is now a key required on the Minecraft side for the information forwarding to work. This should be generated and populated automatically on first join through the proxy but you can also manually define it in the key.yml file on the key as a string.
    (If you don't run a proxy then the file should automatically be set to key: "" the second time any player joins which means no plugin messages are accepted. Of course you can prepopulate it with that value.)
  • hotfix: Fix automatic key generation on Bungee
  • Unifies how pack statuses are forwarded in a proxy network. Now any combination of Spigot + BungeeCord/Velocity sending packs in both directions should also forward all statuses between the other plugin if FRP is installed on both.
    This means that actions are now executed on the Minecraft server as well as the proxy at all times! (Previously only some were executed based on the combination)
    Please test your setups if you use actions on both Spigot and the proxy to see if this impacts you!
    If you do run into issues then I suggest testing out the pack-actions added in the 1.12.0 update. With them you should be able to properly specify which pack should cause which action to run.
  • Fixed that the UUID wasn't properly read when running FRP on Bungee and a backend server sent a pack (via plugin or which would cause a packet reading error.
    Please note that running ViaVersion on the proxy might still break it. Move them to the Spigot server for best compatibility!
  • Fixed packs not being (easily) removable when sending them from Velocity due to missing UUID in resource pack packet.
  • Fixed new statuses causing errors on Velocity and generally unified how pack statuses were parsed from packets/platform-dependent API methods to avoid such error s in the future
  • Fixed that running the plugin on an outdated Velocity would print a non-descriptive error. It now prints a proper error message indicating that at least Velocity 3.3.0 is required.
  • Fixes issues with the pack status (a possible NPE when no/an unknown UUID is sent as well as a different behaviour between Velocity and the other platforms)
  • Changes the Bedrock-client detection so that it will always use the Geyser or floodgate APIs if they are installed. It will only fall back to checking for an XUID if neither of them are installed.
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