FACTIONS REBORN | CUSTOM PLUGINS | Diamond Rain | Shockwaves | Genbuckets | Ranks

MC Setups Factions FACTIONS REBORN | CUSTOM PLUGINS | Diamond Rain | Shockwaves | Genbuckets | Ranks 7.5.1
♛ Factions Reborn ♛ Premade Setup | hub.premieresetups.com





This is Factions Reborn, easily one of the best faction setups ever created. This isn't just a quick little setup, this is a well-organized custom coded project that is made for large and small servers. I designed this server with the intention of bringing some life back to factions while still trying to keep the costs for a setup with this amount of features extremely cheap.


Please feel free to check out our entire network of test servers:

This server also includes a cheat menu for anyone trying to test some of it's more grindy or Buycraft related features, just use /cheat in-game.


There are 4 custom coded plugins included in this setup. These include Shockwaves, CustomRain, GenBuckets, and FactionsTopReborn. All of these plugins are designed to make the experience of the server feel more unique while still keeping the beloved features of factions.


Here is a comprehensive list of all the features included in this setup. I will be going into more detail on most of them.
Spoiler: Features


All builds included in this resource are exclusive to PremiereSetups. They are not free or downloaded from any other site in any way.

Spoiler: More Images

Spoiler: More Images


I decided to get this plugin custom made because I wanted the setup to be as bug-free as possible. Every public shockwave plugin I found contained game-breaking errors that I didn't want in this setup.
To give players shockwaves
/shockwave give {player} {radius} {amount}
The radius should be in multiples of 3.


Genbuckets was made custom for the same reason as shockwaves, there weren't really any bug-free versions of this plugin around so I am changing that. There are 3 different types of gen-buckets included in this setup.
Vertical - Starts from the sky and goes downwards
Horizontal - Travels horizontally before reaching a stop
Infused - Starts from the ground and goes upwards
/genbucket {player} {type} {block} {amount}
Try it out in-game with /shop


Diamond rain is a great plugin to shake up the experience for your players, a lot of the time players can get lost or even bored in the grind. This plugin is a rare event that causes the entire server to actually rain diamonds for a short amount of time. It is a great little enhancement to the normal gameplay.


There are a total of 5 preconfigured donor ranks Elder, Knight, Lord, King, Emperor. These can be given to players. Each rank comes fully ready to go with different perks so you can start making money immediately.
Try it out in-game with /cheat

Spoiler: Perks
Spoiler: Perks
Spoiler: Perks
Spoiler: Perks
Spoiler: Perks


The server comes with preconfigured staff ranks, I went general with the commands as every server owners trust his staff differently. I am happy to add other commands to the ranks if you contact me! There are 4 staff ranks helper, mod, admin, and owner.
Spoiler: Commands

Spoiler: Perms

Admin and Owner
Spoiler: Perms


Thanks to the amazing power of plugins there are some amazing bosses included in this setup, the current boss is the FluxBoss. I will be adding more bosses based on feedback so please let me know what you think about this one!

The FluxBoss is meant to be battled with multiple other players and is meant to be a big challenge, not some sort of event but like a final destination for the server. If you want to test your strongest players give them this boss.



I really went all out here guys, I didn't want this server to be a basic boring server, so I did everything I could in menus. This includes a total of over 2,800 different lines just to make the server feel more interactive and alive. All these menus will be kept up to date and expect new ones to be added also!


Harvester Hoes are available from crates or may be given to players with a command. Harvester hoes automatically sell your crops and replant when you mine with them, altering you of how much you are making with the action bar.


Envoys happen around spawn. During an Envoy event players are meant to be engaged within PvP in an excellent situation of risk and reward. There are three different types of envoys Basic, Rare, and Epic. Each of these categories contains different items which increase in value as the tier increases.


Classic factions game, players are able to drink drinks and test their luck also known as gambling. If a player wins "their drink" the player is awarded a certain amount of money but if they lose their drink they lose their money.

Try it out in-game with /bar


There are four different crates in game, with more coming each update, I will be swapping some out once in a while to keep the server fresh. Crates can be given via a command, mainly focused around Buycraft and voting they have some great perks.

Vote Crate

You can test it in game with /crates


This setup comes with some amazing custom enchantments and an even better tier system. Players are able to purchase books and redeem them for an enchant, they can then drag and drop the book onto the tool and it may either take to the tool, do nothing, or destroy the tool entirely.

It also includes different types of dust which can change the chance that the enchant will take to the enchant or decrease the chance that the item will be destroyed.

Try it out in-game with /ce


The economy for this server is fully configured for this type of gamemode which includes a beautiful shop. This is where the players buy all of their items such as genbuckets, spawners, and other features.

Try it out in-game with /shop


Thanks for a fork from our developer we got a free version of crop hoppers working. This also includes mob hoppers which collect the items from killed mobs and store them. These can really help automate farming and grinding. They can be given via Buycraft or received from crates.


An amazing item for large bases and big factions, they can be found in crates or give via Buycraft. These tools clear out an entire chunk all the way down to bedrock, perfect for anyone trying to make a base quickly, combine this with some genbuckets and you are on your way.


The beloved McMMO is definitely a part of this setup and comes with all the classic perks along with a beautiful GUI to help players redeem their credits into what category they would like easily and quickly.


There are four different jobs that players can choose from, they are basic activities that should help the player generate money over time. These jobs include Miner, Slayer, Enchanter, and Builder. Each of them earning you money for doing basic tasks.

Try it out in-game with /jobs browse
Author FateKid
6,835 pts
7.5.1 Version
2.00 star(s) 1 ratings Average Rating (1)

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