⚔️ ExecutableItems ⭐ Custom Tools | Weapons | Armor Set | Potions, MMO Items, Vouchers, Cosmetics ⭐

MC Plugin ⚔️ ExecutableItems ⭐ Custom Tools | Weapons | Armor Set | Potions, MMO Items, Vouchers, Cosmetics ⭐ [1.8-1.20.5]
Custom items plugin - Create Tools, Weapons, Vouchers & more - 100+ Custom Triggers

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an issue that can appears when you edit blockCommands in the editor

New detailedEntities supports NBT Tags,
- ZOMBIE{IsBaby:1}
- ZOMBIE{IsBaby:0}

Fix an issue with the inventory click
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API (Check the wiki !)

Fix an issue with +++ in RANDOM RUN for some cases.

Edit some parts of code for the command SUDOOP
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Little edit with the API
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an issue with the delayed commands

Fix an issue when a projectile hits a block in 1.12

Good dev, if you have problem or suggestion join my discord !
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you can display the usage in bar format in the lore:

but you can use different arguments to customize the bar:
Code (Text):
(by default: amount = 30 bars, color1 is yellow, color2 is green, symbol is |)

- The item must have an usage and an usage limit different than -1
- The item must have the hider "Hide usage in lore" to disable the default display (Remaining use: ...)


New player command DAMAGE_RESISTANCE {modification in percentage example 100} {timeinticks}
If you want that your player receive +50% damages for 10 secs->
Code (Text):
If you want that your player receive -80% damages for 40 ticks (2 secs)->
Code (Text):
Fix a problem only if you have multiple PROJECTILE_HIT.. activators + the option MustBeAProjectileLaunchWithTheSameEI, only one of these are executed.

New thing for the activators
PLAYER_RECEIVE_HIT_BY_PLAYER is executed if the player receive a hit by a projectile launched by a player

PLAYER_RECEIVE_HIT_BY_ENTITY // // // by an entity

New the activator PLAYER_DEATH support the feature detailedDamageCause
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MINOR UPDATE (Exam period). Major update for may !

New optional arguments for MOB_AROUND command:
- WHITELIST(CHICKEN) (can be place everywhere in the MOB_AROUND command)
Code (Text):
New MOB_AROUND is also a custom entity command
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MINOR UPDATE (Exam period). Major update for may !

Fix a bypass for the item restriction locked in inventory

performances of the feature usagePerDay.
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MINOR UPDATE (Exam period). Major update for may !

Fix the %owner% placeholder.
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MINOR UPDATE (Exam period). Major update for may !

FIX a little issue with the variables features.

Sorry for the double post I forgot something.
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MINOR UPDATE (Exam period). Major update for may !

Now the activator INVENTORY_CLICK is triggered even if the event is previously cancelled by another plugin.

I don't know why, this morning I was motivated to improve EI in 1.12 while I hate this version.
It was asked by some 1.12 users:
- Improve the detection of an EI in 1.12. (EI can now be used on "big" server)
-> Now it doesnt use Name / Lore + material to check if its an EI.
-> So lore and name can be null
- Owner feature now supported
- /ei unowned and /ei set_owner work
- Hide usage feature now supported
- DisableStack feature now supported
- /ei inspect, works
- Variables are now supported in 1.12

BUT NOW 1.12 version require NBTAPI plugin to work.
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