EcoSkills ⭕ Addictive MMORPG Skills ✅ Create custom Skills, Stats, Effects, Mana ✨ Plug + Play

MC Plugin EcoSkills ⭕ Addictive MMORPG Skills ✅ Create custom Skills, Stats, Effects, Mana ✨ Plug + Play 3.47.0
MMORPG Skills, Abilities, and Levelling with an intuitive GUI.

- Fixed console spam caused by Paper ItemStack#isEmpty change for people not on the latest version
- Nested chains now support their own Conditions, Mutators, Filters, and generic arguments like 'chance', 'repeat', 'cooldown', etc.
- Fixed color parsing in run_command and run_player_command
- Fixed plugin not starting up on paper 1.17.1
- Fixed standing_on_block not working for non full-height blocks
- click_entity trigger now only fires for living entities
- Fixed spectral and tipped arrows not working with bow_attack
- aoe and aoe_blocks now start at the player's eye location
- Added is_falling condition
- Added is_flying condition
- Added is_boss filter to replace only_bosses and only_non_bosses
- Fixed play_sound
- API: Improved SlotType to be more general-purpose
- Fixed deprecation messages not being sent. You may get warnings in console when updating, just update your configs with what the warnings say
- Fixed projectile_hit not working properly
- Added set_armor_trim effect (Thanks Sen!)
- Added vicitm_speed_multiplier (Thanks Sen!)
- Fixed AOE not working properly (Thanks Sen!)
- Fixed age_crop not working (Thanks Sen!)
- Removed "Effects >" prefix for cooldown, cost, and others
- Improved some default messages in lang.yml
- Added custom effect arguments, read here for more information:
- Fixed server crash bug
- (For debugging) Added ability to put libreforge.jar (with no version) into /plugins/libreforge/versions to force it to load
- (API) Added Effects.compileChain without specifying an executor
- Stopped shading minimessage, fixes bugs on 1.17
- Fixed brew trigger, again (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed custom run_order not working
- Added left_click_npc and right_click_npc triggers (Requires Citizens)
- Added npc filter (Requires Citizens)
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