Boosters ⭕ EULA-Friendly Global Buffs ✅ Jobs/Skills/Sell Multipliers ✨ Create your own

MC Plugin Boosters ⭕ EULA-Friendly Global Buffs ✅ Jobs/Skills/Sell Multipliers ✨ Create your own 5.56.1
Add server-wide boosters to generate revenue without pay-to-win.

- Added support for the cancel_event effect to many more triggers
- Improved zShop integration
- Added fromSpawner filter, which will require entities to be from spawners (or not to be from spawners) - Requires Paper to be installed
- Added inverse option to all conditions
- Removed requirement to specify manual truthiness for on_fire, in_air, etc - i.e. removing the requirment to then specify `on_fire: true`, which now defaults to true for all conditions - you can still specify things this way, but the inverse option is preferred

Inverse syntax looks like this:
- id: on_fire
inverse: true

Which will mean that the condition is met when the player is not on fire
- Added transmission effect (Think Aspect of the End)
- Added within_radius_of condition
- Added disable_antigrief_check option to all triggerable effects
- mcMMO skill_xp_multiplier and give_skill_xp effects have been renamed to mcmmo_xp_multiplier and give_mcmmo_xp, so you can use EcoSkills and mcMMO effects at the same time (not sure why you'd run both, but some people do)
- Fixed non-repeated effects not working (ie, basically all effects - I screwed up a few versions ago and didn't realize)
- Added beacon_effect trigger (Requires Paper)
- Removed requirement to specify action_bar parameter for send_message effect: will default to false
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