☠ Battle Royale X ☠ ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 [Guns, Parachutes, Realistic Drops, Plunder mode]

MC Plugin ☠ Battle Royale X ☠ ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 [Guns, Parachutes, Realistic Drops, Plunder mode] 4.3
Drop with parachutes, shoot down enemies, and be the last team standing!


This minigame is a very fun game mode that brings 'Battle Royale' into Minecraft! Customize your loadout, pick your kits, then parachute out of a plane with your teammates right into action! Navigate the map to find loot, supply drops, and shopping stations in order to prepare yourself for all the upcoming battles! Shoot down all enemy players using guns and explosives, revive teammates, get killstreaks, ride vehicles, survive the closing border, rank up and unlock different achievements!


Read the information section before installing the plugin.

Before you get into the features and get all excited, please also read the following.
Spoiler: Warning




- Multi-arena! You can make many arenas
- Bungee-Mode Support! The plugin can be installed along other plugins like in your factions server and what not but it can also take over the server and force players to join the lobby! Or even a specific arena and once the arena finishes the server restarts
- Free setup available! Install the plugin within 5 minutes and start playing with 100 players in no time!
- 2 Gamemodes! Normal battle royale and plunder mode!
- Kits for normal battle royale.
- Loadouts for plunder mode. players can build their own loadout's with different armor, weapons, secondary weapons, and items!
- Winning celebrations!
- Plane as a battle bus! Players will drop from a built-in plane model
- Death chests! Players that die will have their loot stored in a chest instead of creating a mess.
- Maps! Generate maps for any size of arenas and display borders, safe zones, supply drops, extraction zones, and any custom location of your choice!
- Realistic items! Using invisible armor stands to display 3d models of items with names above them.
- Carepackages!
- Supply drops!
- Refillable armor system just like in warzone.
- Player downing and reviving system!
- Guns support from QualityArmory & CrackShot
- Vehicles support from QualityArmoryVehicles2
- Corpses support from CorpseReborn
- ItemEdit support
- Special Abilities! from AbilitiesAddon by Wazup92
- Shopping stations! Players can spend in-game cash collected from killing/supply drops to purchase useful items!
- Extraction zones for plunder mode!
- Mystery box!
- Custom recipes! You can make your own recipes that players can craft, such as ammo or weapons.
- Killstreaks! You can run your own commands on players once they reach a certain killstreak
- Bounties! you can set bounties on players.
- Vote for Health, Time, and Scenarios!
- Scenarios! You can add more flavor to matches by introducing new rules such as randomized crafting recipes. Currently, only 1 scenario is built in.
- Parties! All done through a GUI, You can create a party and invite players
- Achievements! customize the achievement's requirements and awards, and view the achievements in a cool scrollable GUI
- Leaderboards! Create signs that will display top players for many different stats, and you also can display their skull above these signs or create Holographic Leaderboards!
- Ranks! players earn exp and rank up until they reach the maximum rank which is configurable, you can also run your own commands when a player reaches a certain rank
- Highly customizable scoreboards!
- Spectator mode!
- MySQL Support and Local Files Support
- Supports UUID and Normal Usernames
- Built-in coins system, but it can also use vault economy
- Titles and Action Bar support!
- Autojoin feature that will put the players in the best available arena
- Join signs, Auto join signs, Leave signs, Leaderboard signs!
- Built-in world manager, you can create, delete, import, backup, restore, tp, set spawn, list, worlds.
- You can customize most of the plugin messages, inventory names, signs format, arena states, items, titles, chat prefixes!
- Broadcaster system that announces certain messages every x seconds
- PlaceholderAPI and MVdWPlaceholderAPI Support!
- Holograms support! you can make holographic stats and a holographic leaderboard through HolographicDisplays
- Clickable chat messages! like Play again message that players can click to directly join and play another match
- Fireworks ending, with an option to give winners a map and also to display your custom images on that map
- Shrinking world border!
Spoiler: Expand


No gameplay video yet!


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Spoiler: Pictures




Author shanruto
4,635 pts
4.3 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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