Quick Guide: Generating Oraxen Prefixes without any effort! Auto Generate Prefixes and Config Files!









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Hey Null Community,

I stumbled across a handy tool that might be a game-changer for fellow Minecraft server admins who use Oraxen. The website https://ranktags.subgplayz.tech/ allows us to quickly generate custom prefixes with unique textures, no coding required. Here’s a breakdown on how you can leverage this to enhance your server’s visual appeal and functionality.

Step-by-Step Usage:

  1. Starting Off: Visit the site and you'll find a straightforward interface where you can input the text for your tags and you're able to then change the colors of the text and the background.
  2. Customization Options: The tool offers various customization features for the appearance of your tags. You can adjust colors, fonts, and effects to match your server’s theme.
  3. Generating Your Prefixes: Once you’re happy with your design, hit the generate button. The site processes your input and creates Oraxen-compatible prefixes with the custom textures embedded.
  4. Implementation: Download the generated files and plug them into your server setup. Add the autogenerated texture and config file as they’re ready to use, and integration is typically seamless.
Why Use This Tool?

  • Efficiency: It cuts down the time spent on manually creating these elements, freeing you up to focus on other aspects of server management.
  • Ease of Use: The user-friendly interface makes it accessible even for those who aren't well-versed in coding.
  • Customization: It provides a high level of customization, allowing you to maintain a unique look and feel for your server that can stand out from the rest.
Tips for Best Results:

  • Experiment: Try different combinations of textures and fonts. Sometimes unexpected combinations can look surprisingly good.
  • Feedback: The guy who made this is on the Oraxen Discord server so you'll be able to contact him if you have any issues.
  • Auto Generation: I coded a program that can autogenerate these prefixes and if you want access to it, I can give it for 20$ of BTC or preferably XMR.
This tool could be particularly useful for those who want to add a professional touch to their servers without investing too much time or learning new coding skills. It's all about making your server more engaging and personalized with minimal effort.

Hope this helps some of you out there looking to spice up your Minecraft server!

Cheers, WhatDoYouWant
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