
  1. FateKid

    XF1 Styles Xenith

    Xenith is a carefully designed theme for XenForo. We took special care in crafting each XenForo page to ensure quality and offer an engaging and interactive experience for your users. From profile to the postbit, from the threadlist to search listings, we made sure the design was cohesive. We...
  2. FateKid

    XF1 Styles UI.X Dark

    UI.X is a feature-rich XenForo theme that is built around the idea that it can be thrown any scenario and handle it beautifully. If you want your visitors to have a fully responsive beautiful metro/flat user interface with features such as a sticky navigation, side by side nodes, social media...
  3. FateKid

    XF1 Styles Tactical Light

    The ultimate in gaming themes, Tactical comes with 10+ game designs including 10 just for Minecraft packaged right in. You can select from Battlefield 4, Minecraft, Borderlands 2, Starcraft 2, Team Fortress 2, DOTA2, Counterstrike: Global Offensive, League of Legends, Skyrim, Left 4 Dead 2, and...
  4. FateKid

    XF1 Styles Reneue

    Reneue is a premium XenForo theme that utilizes unique icons, soft colors, and a corporate look by default. However it is also extremely easy to change colors and tone via the color palette, so you can create any style theme you want. Off canvas navigation, sticky navigations, and much much more...
  5. FateKid

    XF1 Styles Quark

    Quark is a one of a kind dark skin that is a step outside the box. Utilizing soft grays and charcoals, CSS3 animations, crisp lines and subtle effects, Quark is sure to be a fan favorite.
  6. FateKid

    XF1 Styles Pulse 1.0.8

    Clean, simple and modern theme perfect for any community.
  7. FateKid

    XF1 Styles Proximity - With Custom Homepage!

    Link to homepage: Proximity Homepage | XenForo Demo
  8. FateKid

    XF1 Styles Material

    Material is a theme inspired by Google's Material design spec, whose purpose is to enhance legibility, be bold and intentional, and bring real life movement and depth to the web. Built on the UI.X Framework, Material not only benefits from the styling control and functionality of its parent...
  9. FateKid

    XF1 Styles Intrinsic

    One of the most modern themes you can get for XenForo, Intrinsic is absolutely gorgeous. We use modern, stroke icon fonts to really give a unique design perspective and there is more white space than usual so that you can really emphasize on the content of your community. No flashy graphics...
  10. FateKid

    XF1 Styles Intrepid

    Absolutely amazing XenForo Theme! This flat metro design is extremely sleek. It can suit any board. The flat modern colors are what give it a unique look, but they too can be changed to anything.
  11. Bees?

    XF1 Styles Infinite //

    Infinite is a skin designed with a customizable interface in mind. The colors can be modified by each member using a jQuery based color-picker, allowing them to create a design that suits themselves. Changing the default color from blue to a custom color if needed is simple to achieve. Using the...
  12. FateKid

    XF1 Styles Brivium - Tellurium - Material Design XenForo Style 1.5.9

    Tellurium brings in itself all the characteristics needed to have with a “Material style”: - Using an unique color for the whole web “dark blue”, etc ... - The visual details are delightful, and the paradigmatic underpinnings — that interfaces are three-dimensional constructions, composed of...
  13. FateKid

    XF1 Styles UI.Flex

    Based directly on the popular free Flexile product of ours, we decided to completely recode it on the UI.X Framework! It has everything the old Flexile had PLUS everything the immensely powerful UI.X framework has. Entirely mobile friendly and retina friendly it also comes with sticky sidebar...
  14. FateKid

    Web Templates ⭐️ Tebex / Buycraft Theme - PIE ⭐️ BEST ON MARKET ⭐️[PREMIUM PLAN] 1.4.1

    Premium Tebex Theme - Pie - You need Tebex Premium plan for this to work. - Logo / Icons from the resource is not included, obviously. I have created discord server for general support / Bug reporting / Suggestions, exclusive sneak peeks, etc. Generally, everyone can join if they have any...
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