
  1. Hello I'm a new member!

    Hi, I'm Ptng. I'm a gamer and someone who like to see cool tech and software created through the years.I have joined this forum with a goal of improving my Minecraft server. I heard that this forum has very friendly members and good plugins that can or may improve my server gameplay experience...
  2. Introduce myself

    Hi, I'm Jeff. I like coding, making models and generally getting inspiration for Minecraft from forums like this one. I really like the light atmosphere of comfort. Some people charge terribly high prices for their resources like Resource Packs or Models, and they are not even worth that much. I...
  3. LiamYoutube

    hey Ladys!

    My name is Liam and i am a 23 Year old from germany! I have played minecraft since i was a kid and cant wait to join the NullForums community! I came here to get leaked plugins because i'm broke and don't want to buy them. (Overpriced) I would be happy to contribute to nullforums...
  4. Hello I'm NotAnshh but Ansh , And I'm new in nullforums

    I am very happy to discover this website. I come from Hong Kong, China, so my English is not very good. Let me briefly introduce it. Firstly, I am here to search for leaked resources, and I also have PHP scripts, WordPress, Minecraft, and other resources to share with everyone. I hope to coexist...
  5. patrasjohn14


    Hello guys, im jaypee a small developer from indonesia (currently living in greece) and im here to download resources and communicate with other members! I hope you all have a great time and i might upgrade soon cause the site looks crazy ! If anybody is interested on servers and developing...
  6. Hello!

    I'm Josh, and I'm excited to be a part of this vibrant community of players and developers. I've been a Minecraft enthusiast for many years and I decided to create a Minecraft server this website gives me access to test plugins and see if they work the way I need before I buy them which can...
  7. RoxZoo72

    hi (●’◡’●)ノ im new member!

    Hello, I'm a member here. I joined this website because I'm looking for some epic minecraft ui but because I'm broke, my last hope is a leaked resource and I'm finally here. I'm really happy to see that I can find the resource I needed in here and it's free! And you can get free limit download...
  8. Hello everyone

    Hello everyone! I'm truly grateful for the warm welcome into this community. As a newcomer, I'm overflowing with excitement to be a part of this group. I'm eager to connect with others who understand the challenge of striving for all our desires without exceeding our budget. Let's embark on this...
  9. Pumpkin

    Hi, I am a pumpkin

    Hi, I am pumpkin. I am a fruit, yes fruit. Not a vegetable. I am from Earth. I drink water. I breath Oxygen. Uh, what else do I have left to say? I do not know. Oh and I play Roblox and Minecraft, sometimes I play Bombsquad, no other games. Anyways, bye. I have successfully wasted your one...
  10. Hello World

    I'm fuku, I'm joining on this because i wanna take some references, I'm still amateur, and I'm still learning, I'm also traditional artists who is still learning, I'm not good at modelling so I'm here to learn with the references given by someone who is already good at it, and I'm also have...
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