Moderates new member posts until minimum number of posts has been manually approved.
This add-on performs the same function as the User group promotions, but does not require the creation of a new user group.
(Example of moderated thread)
(Example of Options page)
When a ban is issued, a new thread is automatically created for staff members.
(Example of Ban thread)
(Example of Options page)
Cron entry runs every 10 minutes and will create a Ban thread if a member has been banned.
Bans made by staff will create a ban thread...
Checks add-ons developed by XF2 Addons and reports if any need upgrading.
(Example of Version check link)
(Example of Version check page)
All phrases start with versioncheck_ for your convenience.
How to use:
Only those with Administrator privileges can run this...
Displays a random featured post from selected forums.
The first post of the thread is selected at random and will be displayed in the forum list or other widget location.
(Example of Featured posts)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
Allows viewing and managing custom user titles.
(Example of Custom title manager)
(Example of User group permissions)
All phrases start with customtitlemanager_ for your convenience.
How to use:
Add 'customtitlemanager' to your forum URL.
Logs emails that are sent from your forum.
(Example of Email log link)
(Example of Email log page)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
Statistics menu which allows seeing total number of emails sent in time frame selected.
All phrases...
Adds a logo to your forum emails.
(Example of email)
(Example of Options page)
Allows adding a high resolution image.
Allows removing the default board title.
Allows aligning logo center or left.
High resolution image:
To create a high resolution image, you simple...
Sends an email reminder to users who have an account upgrade about to expire.
(Example of email that is sent)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of userupgradereminder_message phrase)
Adjustable number of days to send email before upgrade expires.
Emails are sent...
Displays a random featured resource in a widget.
(Example of featured resources widget)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
All phrases start with featuredresources_ for your convenience.
Sends an email to your members every week showing most popular topics.
(Example of Weekly newsletter email)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of Account preferences page)
Option to include an announcement.
Option to exclude forums.
Option to vary the number of...
Shows a list of posts and if available an archive link for any URLs which return HTTP status code 404.
(Example of Link check plus page)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
All phrases start with linkcheckplus_ for your convenience.
Adds a line feed between each embedded attachment.
This add-on improves the appearance of posts with multiple attachments by adding a line feed between each embedded image.
(Example before post is saved)
(Example after post is saved)
Automatically sends birthday emails to your members.
(Example of Birthday email)
(Example of Options page)
Automatically sends birthday emails to your members.
Follows "Show day and month of birth" privacy settings.
Follows "Receive news and update emails" preference...
Displays a block containing members recently online.
(Example of Members recently online)
(Example of Members recently online with show avatars option enabled)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
All phrases start with...
A tool used to update all posts on your forum. Attachments will be inserted into the message.
All thumbnails which currently are shown below the post (post gallery) will be inserted as Attach BB code in the message. No more having to click on thumbnails to see the full size images...
Displays ad below selected posts.
(Example of ad below 1st post)
(Example of Options page)
(Example of User group permissions)
Get your AdSense code:
Log into your Google AdSense account.
Click Ads.
Click Ad units.
Click By ad unit.
Click Display ads.
Name your ad unit =...
Password protect forums and threads.
(Example of Forum password page)
(Example of Options page)
Allows single or multiple forums to be password protected.
Password only has to be entered once.
Password saved in a cookie.
All phrases start with forumpassword_ for your...
Requires new members to make their first post in the introduction forum.
(Example of error message)
(Example of options page)
First post must be made in the forum selected.
Option to allow guest posts in one forum.
All phrases start with firstpost_ for your...
Featured Thumbs will display three small images above your forum list. The images are attachments that your members have posted. Images will change every 10 minutes. Images when clicked will display the message the attachment was posted in.
Live example...
Auto moves threads in selected forums based on time.
This add-on is useful for special offer threads which are time based. The thread is shown for a short time in the specials forum and then automatically moved to another forum after a short time.
(Example of Options page)...
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