
  1. SadOwneDBT

    MC Plugin Aegis V9.3.0 GENJUTSU & 1.8.5 Escanor & 4.1 Lite Aegis Latest Version

    To get the license in the file leave a text, contact me at that discord Aegis is the most powerful BungeeCord fork on the market. It is the best AntiBot and AntiCrash that you could find. It is used by more than 1000 servers including servers with 5,000+ players. When you buy it, you have 3...
  2. FateKid

    MC Plugin Aegis - The best BungeeCord fork 9.2.1

    AEGIS NEW ERA OF BOTS & EXPLOIT DETECTION, PROTECTION THAT YOU ALWAYS DREAMED ABOUT. Aegis is the most powerful and advanced bungeecord fork you could ever hear about. Why you should choose us? I'm a professional software developer with 4 years experience. In the past I was doing...
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