X Replay | Advanced Replay Plugin

MC Plugin X Replay | Advanced Replay Plugin 2.2.9e
X Replay is a minecraft replay plugin which lets you record and replay every game automatically.


X Replay is an advanced minecraft replay plugin which helps you to keep your server clean from hackers. It records every game without manual interaction, so you can rewatch any moment easily. X Replay takes the work out of your hands and is a must-have for every server.


  • Records any movement and action of every player
  • Saves the whole map and all changes in the world
  • Does not require any user interaction and is fully automated
  • Automatically saves the replay on server shutdown or any x minutes
  • Provides different tools to view the replay, e. g. start/stop, go 5 seconds forwards/backwards in time, change the speed of the actions, jump into a player's perspective or directly jump to a specific time code
  • Lets you check if someone is cheating or trolling
  • Adds a layer of defense to your server
  • Is highly optimized for all kinds of games and does not slow down the server
  • Includes all messages in two languages: English and German
  • Is user-friendly, easy to install and use

We designed X Replay for maximum compatibility. Extensive tests identify no significant conflicts with any well-known plugins. You can use X Replay seamlessly as an important extra layer of security, in harmony with almost any anti-cheats.

This is a list of the plugins and softwares we checked the compatibility for:
  • PermissionsEX, Version 1.23.4
  • BungeeCord, Build 1261
  • ViaVersion, Version 1.2.0
  • WorldEdit, Version
  • AsyncWorldEdit, Version 2.3.3
  • AAC, Version 3.3.1-b1
  • NoCheatPlus, Version 3.15
  • Phoenix Anti-Cheat, Version 1.2.1
  • ChatControl, Version 5.5.6
  • ProtocolLib, Version 4.3.0
  • Factions, Version 2.13.1
  • SkyWarsReloaded, Version 2.8
Author FateKid
6,835 pts
2.2.9e Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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