Upgradeable Spawners ⭕ Spawner Levels Plugin ✅ Entity Stacking, Butcher - 1.20 Support

MC Plugin Upgradeable Spawners ⭕ Spawner Levels Plugin ✅ Entity Stacking, Butcher - 1.20 Support 4.13.1
Let your players upgrade their spawners!

+ Changed: Adjust spawn height for spawn task
- Fixed: Error at filtering player
- Fixed: Spawn in block when spawn task enabled
- Fixed: logging option toggle
- Fixed: Pagination error
Please don't worry about when this plugin will add 1.19 support. It's designed to run just fine on new versions. An update with version specific additions will be posted once 1.19 is released.

+ Added: Option to disable api event logging

# Should UpgradeableSpawners log cancellations of events. This happens if 3rd party plugins cancel these events.
# By having this option enabled, you can always check if a 3rd party plugin cancelled a spawn for example.
api-events: false
+ Changed: [#1975] Additional spawns now call the SpawnerSpawnEvent to make sure other plugin's functionality is triggered.

Additionally, the API provides a method to check whether an entity was spawned by a UpgradeableSpawner: https://github.com/Angeschossen/Upg...espawners/api/UpgradeableSpawnersAPI.java#L21
+ Added: Persistent no AI with water pushing:

Code (YAML):
# Should spawned entities from an upgradeable spawner have AI?
# If set to false, these entities will not move, but will still be pushed by water.
# This helps to improve server performance.
# NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
no-ai: false
- Fixed: GUI not creating
+ Updated: French locale fr-FR - by Nogapra
+ Added: [Suggestion] /hopper admin migratedb <target> command
Example: Migrate data from SQLite to MySQL.
PlaceholderAPI, Eco-Format
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now parse placeholders from 3rd party plugins in chat messages via PlaceholderAPI.
This currently does not include GUI menus. Lands will only integrate into PAPI if you have any PAPI placeholders in the language file.

+ Added: /spawners about command (admin)

+ Changed: [Suggestion] 'eco-format' now defaults to '$#,###.00'
All currency symbols have been removed from the default language files.
Current installations are not affected by this change. Only new users.
If you however, regenerate your language files to default make sure you update your eco-format option.
- In some cases the spawned entities amount would not get resented when the spawner continued
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