Upgradeable Spawners ⭕ Spawner Levels Plugin ✅ Entity Stacking, Butcher - 1.20 Support

MC Plugin Upgradeable Spawners ⭕ Spawner Levels Plugin ✅ Entity Stacking, Butcher - 1.20 Support 4.12.5
Let your players upgrade their spawners!

+ Added: /spawner admin killall
+ Added: Options for butcher mode:
       # Only supports UpgradeableHoppers: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/69201
         # Require an upgradeablehopper to be placed underneath the spawner before butcher mode can be activated?
          required: false
          # Should loot be dropped, if the upgradeable hopper is full?
          drop-loot: true
+ Improved: Removing stacked entities from cache at chunk unload posing performance issue
+ Added: You can now disable every teleportation by unsetting the following permissions:

- Fixed: Debug
- Fixed: Mobs unaware lag in some cases
- Fixed: API issue from prev version
- Fixed: [#2502] Issues with retrieving skin data for heads, etc. This finally removes errors printed by the server's API. Which might
occur if Mojangs API is down etc.
- Fixed: [#2477] Entity spawning on 1.20.1
- Fixed: get-confirm option
+ Improved: Spawner load at chunk load
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