Talismans ⭕ Create Custom Talismans ✅ Powerful Passive Effects ✨ Talisman Bag, Levels

MC Plugin Talismans ⭕ Create Custom Talismans ✅ Powerful Passive Effects ✨ Talisman Bag, Levels 6.57.0
Powerful and intuitive passive effects for your server.

- take_damage trigger will no longer trigger for void damage, /kill, or /suicide
- API: Added RegistrableCategory
- Added is_op condition
- Added value to shoot_bow trigger, between 0 and 1 depending on bow pull
- Added value_above, value_below, and value_equals filters
- fully_charged filter now works with shoot_bow
- Added item_durability_above_percent and item_durability_below_percent filters
- smelt trigger now gives the number of items smelted as the value
- Added optional filters for mine_vein
- Added is_passive filter
- aoe and aoe_blocks now supports its effects having their own conditions, filters, mutators, and generic arguments
- API: Combined and deprecated MultiplierModifier and AdditionModifier. The replacement is now IdentifiedModifier
- Fixed victim placeholders (Thanks PQguanfang!)
- Improved give_food effect (Thanks Keegan!)
- Added give_saturation, set_food, and set_saturation effects (Thanks Keegan!)
- Added replant_crops effect (Thanks Callum!)
- Fixed empty slots sometimes passing conditions like in_mainhand, in_offhand, etc.
- Cleaned up ItemData and ItemPoints
- Added option to not always process blocks with telekinesis, improves compatibility with other plugins
- Fixed console spam caused by Paper ItemStack#isEmpty change for people not on the latest version
- Nested chains now support their own Conditions, Mutators, Filters, and generic arguments like 'chance', 'repeat', 'cooldown', etc.
- Fixed color parsing in run_command and run_player_command
- Fixed plugin not starting up on paper 1.17.1
- Fixed standing_on_block not working for non full-height blocks
- click_entity trigger now only fires for living entities
- Fixed beam and scan_in_front AOE shapes not working properly
- particle_line effect now fires from eye height
- Fixed bugs with counters
- Fixed empty_bucket
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