SuperCredits It is a plugin that allows users to create a special, original currency and 100% personalisable for your server.
This plugin has been tested in version 1.10
Check out my other projects as well:
✪ ReferralSystem ✪
✪ DeluxePlayerOptions ✪
✪ DeluxeMaintenance ✪
✪ SuperStats ✪
✪ SuperLobbyDeluxe
- Multiple commands.
- Easy to use Shop GUI.
- Customizable Shop GUI.
- All customizable messages.
- Reloads the configuration and messages with a single command..
- MySQL storage.
- SQLite storage.
- Different types of commands (player, op, broadcast, give, money, points, tell and console).
- 100% Customizable.
- Múltiple Shop.
- Firework!!
- Sounds.
- PlaceHolderAPI Support.
- LeaderHeads Support.
- Custom command.
- Multiple languages (EN, ES).
- Custom credits.
- Mystery Box.
- SuperStats Support.
- MVdWPlaceholder Support.
- HikariCP connection pool.
- And more!