RpChat NTD | 1.12 - 1.19.4 | Head chat ⚡ Scoreboard DM ⚡ Hoverable chat ⚡ RP commands ⚡ Oraxen supp

MC Plugin RpChat NTD | 1.12 - 1.19.4 | Head chat ⚡ Scoreboard DM ⚡ Hoverable chat ⚡ RP commands ⚡ Oraxen supp 2.7.2
Cool revamped RpChat. Head chat, hoverable chat, scoreboard DM! Oraxen, ItemsAdder support

  • Added new chat channel - proxy channel
    • Supports BungeeCord
    • Supports Velocity ( v3.x.x )
    • Supports color, hover/click components, as all other formats
Now you can send messages across network! Moreover, you can define server groups for messages (For instance, connect survival-1 and survival-2 to one group; anarchy-1 and anarchy-2 to another group. Each group will have unique connected chat session)
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