PyroFishingPro [1.14.X -1.21.X] [#1 Fishing Plugin!] [NEW Tournament Rework]

MC Plugin PyroFishingPro [1.14.X -1.21.X] [#1 Fishing Plugin!] [NEW Tournament Rework] 4.9.25
Is fishing boring? Do you want loads of custom and unique features? This is the plugin for you!

General Changes:
- Reduced the number of fish for a Baby Crabmas 6 minute spawn from 40 -> 20 due to people sometimes never reaching that amount.

- Fixed an issue where sometimes it would rule out an underlying biome - i.e. "OCEAN" if you are in "WARM_OCEAN" first. It will now prioritise your current location.
- Fixed an exploit with Crabmas Orbs.
- Fixed other players stealing loot from the Crabmas Boss by killing it. [Loot will now always go to the summoner regardless of who kills it.]
- Fixed being able to place the Frostshell Charm. [This will only apply to new copies that drop.]
- Added an automatic script that will fix any broken and legacy variables automatically as old ones are now fully removed from use.
- Added ItemStack to the PyroFishCatchEvent.

General Changes:
- Nerfed Tribal shout to be less effective with levels. Scaling with 5% per 15 levels instead of 7.5% per 12.
- Formatted some numbers in the plugin to have commas to look more readable.
- Removed more legacy variables that used the ‘NAME’ format.
- Made massive performance improvements to the totem system.

- Fixed a possible issue with the ‘fishsold’ value being set at 0.
- Fixed some variables being invalid - see ‘General Changes’.
- Fixed various issues on servers that are 1.20.3 or lower.
General Changes:
- Updated PyroLib requirement to v1.4.1 or higher.

- Fixed Augment Crafting. (requires updated PyroLib)
- Fixed a major exploit with the previous release.
General Changes:
- Changed SQL Migration to use less connections.

- Fixed a bug in SQL Migration that would stop it from migrating at all if it fell over once.
- Fixed not being able to craft Augments on some servers.
- Fixed an 'Unknown Command' message popping up after every fish catch, if using default fish.yml, or a list with empty commands. It will now filter those out.
Requires PyroLib v1.4 or higher to run.

Apologies for the delay on this - I've been trying to find the root cause of the problem with recipes being set to 1x items - which has now been resolved.

No configuration changes are required for this update.

- Added a fall over number check that will revert slots to their default value if they are not detected. (This should prevent the “fishing rod is invalid” message and rods from being deleted in the future, assuming you are using the default menu configuration for the rod and augment slots).

General Changes:
- Mythical waters will no longer activate on Platinum and Mythical fish. (they never got upscaled so this just removes confusion).
- Nerfed Divine Judgement spawn chance, but increased the duration.

- Fixed an issue with augment recipes numbers always showing as 1.
- Fixed some augment messages not being shown correctly.
- Fixed model data not working with augments.
- Fixed some minor issues in various places in the Augment System.
If you are a server owner, please check the General Changes section regardless if you will be using the rework system.

- Added a check that prevents tournament types from running back-to-back if there is more than 1 configured type.
- Added the new augment system. This is now NBT based, and is more efficient, and allows for more customisbility in the future. [Note: Adding lore still works on fresh rods, and this is to allow for old rods to be converted over. This feature will be removed in a future update to block all lore-based attempts. Players have to use their fishing rods once for it to convert automatically.]
- Added the Apply Augment and Augment List as configurable menus.
- Added special/seasonal augments to the Augment List menu.
- Added the ability to configure the augment lore.
- Added new sections to augment lores that shows if an augment is a seasonal augment, and where to get it from, and if it is craftable. (this will be used more in the future).
- Added the ‘all’ sub-command to ‘/fish removedelivery’ (i.e. /fish removedelivery all)

General Changes:
- Made massive optimisations to the entire augment system.
- Changed the /fish giveaugment command to use proper enum names. This means that commands using the old names may no longer work as expected.
- Changed most augment descriptions to be more simpler and shorter.
- Improved the help books in the apply augment menu and the augment list menu.
- Included instructions on how to craft augments on bedrock into the augment list menu.
- When removing augments, they will now attempt to be added to your inventory instead of dropping on the ground.
- Changed a lot of the messages and moved them around to make it easier to navigate the messages.yml. (you may need to redo some of the messages).
- Removed some messages that are no longer in use.

- Fixed an issue with the start date for Crabmas returning the end date instead. (not an issue since the event has already ended).
- Fixed some augment descriptions being slightly incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where augments could be taken out of the augment list menu.
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Reactions: Jimmyboi69
- Added 90% of the augment rework in. It will be ready for release very soon.

General Changes:
- Crabmas has been extended until 11th of January.
- Crabmas will now start on the 12th of December instead of the 21st.
- Crabmas will now end on the 1st of Janaury the preceeding year.

- Fixed the Crabmas Event ending early due to the year change. This should now be fixed for subsequent years going forward.
- Fixed the /fish stats menu not displaying data correctly for online-players when using MySQL.
- Fixed an issue with MySQL when the plugin disables.
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