PremiumVanish - Stay hidden [+Bungee support]

MC Plugin PremiumVanish - Stay hidden [+Bungee support] 2.9.9
Ultimate admin tool to fully vanish from the server and spy on potential rule breakers

  • An attempt to fix the async player info packet event bug
  • Removed Citizens dependency to resolve circular dependency issues
  • Initial update for Minecraft 1.19.4
  • Since Minecraft changed the server ping packet structure in 1.19.4, the ExternalInvisibility>ServerList features are currently broken (these features were disabled by default). I will work on readding support for these features once ProtocolLib provides stable server ping API again (the new API is currently WIP). This does not affect bungee users, since the bungee-sided serverlist API is separate. Please stay up to date with the latest ProtocolLib dev build.
  • Fixed bugs in the default Hybrid player hider
  • Updated the RedisBungee hook to work with RedisBungee Limework fork
  • Increased SilentOpenChest teleport up amount to prevent falling into the ground
Note: Please make sure you are using the latest PaperSpigot build if you are already using PaperSpigot. One of the recent PaperSpigot updates fixed a PaperSpigot bug that led to players in vanish who send a chat message kicking other players.
  • Fixed hex color placeholders not working as intended
  • Fixed night vision feature causing errors on 1.9 and below. Instead there is now a basic fallback for older versions that does not support restoring previous potion effects
  • Please make sure you are using the latest ProtocolLib dev build
  • Proper 1.19.3 support. Please report any bugs.
  • Reduced reliance on ProtocolLib and unstable code.
    Some features have been removed or replaced with new features.
  • I have decided to no longer rely on ProtocolLib for the core features of this plugin. As many of you have noticed, in the past, whenever Minecraft updated, many core PremiumVanish features stopped working and it took time to update to the new version. This issue has become worse over time, and now even 1.19.3, a supposedly minor Minecraft update, modified so many server internals that it no longer seems feasible to keep relying on unstable code that is outside of my control for PV's core features. Furthermore, ProtocolLib packet adapters caused TPS issues on some servers. As such, I have decided to remove some of the troubling features on 1.19.3+ and instead added new features to replace them. Ultimately, a tiny percentage of the features required an overwhelming amount of work to sustain and I think it is more important to make the plugin more stable, more performant and gain more time for working on other parts of the plugin. All removed features continue to work on versions below 1.19.3.
  • Improved the Prevention PlayerHider. It is now less likely to be broken by other plugins by using different Bukkit API.
  • Removed the Interception PlayerHider (Hybrid is now used instead automatically), the HideInTablist and HideInGame options, with which you could be hidden only in-game or only in the tablist by default. You are now always hidden in both when vanished.
  • The -t flag feature to remain visible in tab is currently broken on 1.19.3+. I will try to bring this option back when ProtocolLib is more stable.
  • Removed MarkVanishedPlayersAsSpectators and MarkVanishedPlayersWithGlow. I recommend to use the following new feature instead.
  • Added two new PlaceholderAPI placeholders, %premiumvanish_vanishprefix% and %premiumvanish_vanishsuffix%.
    • Since these days most servers have a Tablist and Nametag plugin with PlaceholderAPI support, it is better to configure custom prefixes/suffixes for vanished players through those plugins than have PremiumVanish add them. These new placeholders are either empty if the player is not vanished, or return a prefix like "[V] " if the player is vanished. The prefix can be configured in the messages.yml file (see default messages.yml file in resource description).
  • TargetGlows is currently broken on 1.19.3, but I might be able to bring it back.
  • The HideSpectatorMode feature is currently broken, but it may come back when ProtocolLib becomes more stable
  • Added new strings to the messages.yml file for editing the output of the %premiumvanish_isvanished% placeholder (see default messages.yml file in resource description).
  • By making those changes, PremiumVanish's core features should continue working when Minecraft updates and only some of the optional feature modules will require an update.
  • Initial 1.19.3 update.
    • Please update to the latest ProtocolLib dev build
    • Please note that currently the TargetGlows feature is broken ProtocolLib-sided on 1.19.3. Therefore I recommend turning it off until ProtocolLib fixes that bug.
  • Fixed that vanished players in spectator mode can enable other players to place blocks in illegal locations.
Previous night vision effects will now be saved when a player vanishes and restored when a player reappears
  • Night vision effect storage persists through player rejoin but not through plugin reload or server restart
  • Night vision is now only using Spigot API and should not cause any more issues when Spigot or ProtocolLib update
  • You may have noticed that the "Please click here to do X" messages were broken. I've now changed the default action from "run" to "suggest" in the messages.yml file. To update your existing messages.yml files, simply replace every occurrence of |run} with |suggest}. The run action has been broken since the chat reporting feature, probably because Mojang doesn't want players to run commands/send chat messages automatically without consent.
  • Improved exception handling
  • Improved PlayerInfo packet adapter performance. There may still be lag if ProtocolLib performs exceptionally bad on your server. In that case you could turn off the following features as a workaround until hopefully eventually ProtocolLib's performance increases again:
    • Turn off MarkVanishedPlayersAsSpectators (You can use MarkVanishedPlayersWithGlow instead)
    • Turn off OpenChestsSilently (You can switch to spectator mode with double-shift instead)
    • Set PlayerHider to Prevention (or, alternatively, set it to Hybrid but add PlayerInfo to the DisabledInvisibilityModules)
  • The PreventHittingEntities restrictive setting now applies to projectiles originating from vanished players, too.
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