OneUseObject ☄️ Create One-Time Items that Execute Commands! ⭕ Sounds ✨ Random and Temporal commands

MC Plugin OneUseObject ☄️ Create One-Time Items that Execute Commands! ⭕ Sounds ✨ Random and Temporal commands 1.5.182b
Create One-Time Items that Execute Commands. ⚡ Lightweight. ⚡ WorldGuard compatible.

- Plugin's price updated.
- Optimized some lines of code. Now it should work more efficiently.
- Some bugs regarding the usage of items in certain regions have been resolved.
- Some minor fixes and optimizations referring to the code's structure.
Now you can use it in 1.16.x Spigot servers.
- Bugs regarding some commands not being executed are solved.
- Fixed effects not respecting condition metness when OneUseObjects are unequipped and re-equipped.
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