
MC Plugin NetworkManager 2.14.0
[BungeeCord] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

- Added SendAnnouncementEvent for automatic announcements.
- Changed displayName in Player class to a Component.
- Fixed error that could occur when listing accounts.
- Create a more detailed exception when player is not loaded in cache when executing command.
- Parse mapped punishment placeholders to tag resolver (To allow them to be used in hover and click events)
- Fixed wrong ip addresses showing up in the Most used Virtual hosts list when using Velocity
- Minor optimization in test language command.
- Should fix nickname command on Velocity.
- Allow msg and reply placeholders in click and hover events of msg and reply messages.
- Added more luckperms placeholders like primary_group_name.
- Added page argument to chatlock list command.
- Updated Kotlin to 1.9.0.
- In some cases PartyLeaveEvent was not being triggered.
- Fixed wrong placeholders in default reply messages
- Added support for servermanager in the announce command suggestions
- Fixed error on spigot when announcement command was being executed.
- Fixed player loading when using redis bungee.
- Fixed error when using msg while redis bungee is enabled
- Updated kotlin to 1.8.22
- Updated Jedis to 4.4.3
- Added setbalancemethod command for servergroups.
- Fixed &f being shown in text of show groups command.
- Better logging for extensions and added a debug method.
- lang_reports_login no longer supports legacy placeholders. Use <displayname> and <count> instead.
- Should fix issues with loading motd icons from imgur.
- Fixed issue with prefix and suffix placeholders from luckperms.
- Fixed velocity builds not working without RedisBungee.
- Added support for the servermanager module to the clearchat command.
- Fixed incompatability with Geyser on Velocity.
- Added connect method to player for servergroup.
- Fixed lockdown reason in lockdown_kick message on velocity.
- Fixed java.util.NoSuchElementException: List is empty on ServerPreConnectEvent on Velocity.
- Added ServerConnectedEvent to the api.
- Only send web notification when punishment is active.
- Fixed message when maintenance mode is already enabled or disabled.
- 1.20 client support
- Added server group balance method in the info command
- Update adventure to 4.14.0
Bug fixes
- Set nickname column length to 192 by default
- Fixed error when banned player tries to join (velocity)
- Fixed error when checking for new punishments (velocity)
- Fixed user suffix tabcomplete in permission command
- Fixed no permission message not using the translation for a lot of commands.
- Bump joda-time to 2.12.5
- Fixed commandblocker not working (Velocity)
- Fixed some filter issues on velocity with 1.19+ clients.
- Allow mo (short for month) as a timeunit in permission commands.
- Sync tags on tag delete
- Fixed reported errors from the discord server
- Update adventure to 4.13.0
- Fixed multiple hex colors not being formatted (again)
- Fixed some placeholders not being parsed within click actions
- Formatted some console messages.
- Fixed a few testing command causing errors when used further without arguments
- Allow placeholder in placeholder by using brackets.
- Added /party list command.
- Fixed has_groups_on_ladder_ placeholder.
- Fixed default lang_joinbanned_alert.
- Removed debug message from punishment system
- Added player settings placeholders player_toggle_<msg,socialspy,commandspy,staffchat,adminchat>
- Fixed LiteBans compatability within the DiscordBot extension.
- Removed <username> usage in default messages. You should use <displayname> instead.
- Added lang_maintenancemode_join_notify message.
- Added networkmanager.nickname.length.<length> permission. This allows you to define the max lenght of the nickname using permissions.
- Added support for placeholderapi placeholders that return messages formatted using minimessage.
- PlaceholderAPI placeholders now require the papi: prefix. PlaceholderAPI placeholders like: <papi_placeholder> will no longer work! Use them like <papi
- Allow multiple values by separating the value by a comma in placeholder conditions. (Click here for more information)
- Fixed extensions no longer loading
Make a backup of your database before updating!

Fixed rank placeholder in lookup command
Respect spaces in filter test command
Added experimental group clone command to clone permission group

Updated the following messages (These messages should automatically update!):
lang_seen_success = <gray>The player <red><displayname> <gray>is <reset><online> <gray>since <red><time><gray>.
lang_lockdown_removed =
<gray>The server <red><servername> <gray>is no longer locked down!
lang_lockdown_already_locked =
<gray>The server <red><servername> <gray>is already locked down. You can remove the lockdown by executing <red>/lockdown [server] end
lang_lockdown_kick =
<red>The server <dark_red><servername> <red>is locked down!<br><br><red>Reason: <dark_red><reason>
lang_lockdown_success =
<gray>Successfully initiated lockdown on <red><servername><gray>.
lang_tickets_list =
<gray>Ticket <gold>#<red><id><gray>. Status: <red><status><gray>. Last response by <red><playername>
lang_tickets_respond_invalid =
<red>The ticket with id #<id> does not exist.
lang_tickets_create_cooldown =
<gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can create a new ticket!
lang_tickets_answer_cooldown =
<gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can answer on a ticket!
lang_tickets_resetpassword_cooldown =
<gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can reset your ticket password again!
lang_ticket_notify_reply_staff =
<yellow><st>---------------------<gold><bold> TICKET <yellow><st>---------------------<br><green><creator> <gray>responded on ticket with id: <red><id> <gray>and title <red><title><red><st>---------------------------------------------------
lang_chatlog_cooldown =
<gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can create a new chatlog.
lang_whereami_response =
<gray>You are currently playing on the <red><server> <gray>server.
lang_punishment_cant_punish =
<dark_red>»<red> You can't punish <displayname>
lang_realname_response =
<gold>The real name of <yellow><nickname> <gold>is <yellow><playername>
lang_ignore_list =
<dark_red>» <red>Ignored<gray>: <white><list>
lang_server_incorrect_version =
<gray>Disconnected<br><br><red>You need to use version <version> to join the <server> server.
lang_server_restricted =
<dark_red>» <gray>You are not allowed to join the <red><server> <gray>server!
lang_server_fallback_offline =
<red>The fallback lobby went offline.<br><br><gray>Reason: <red><reason>
lang_server_offline =
<dark_red>» <red><server> <gray>is offline, please try again later!
lang_server_kick =
<gray>You have been moved to the <fallbackserver> server. Reason: <reason>
lang_pre_punishment_invalid =
<dark_red>» <gray>The PrePunishment with id (<red><id><gray>) is invalid.
lang_pre_punishment_invalid_server =
<dark_red>» <gray>The PrePunishment with id (<red><id><gray>) has an invalid type or is missing it's servername.
lang_pre_punishment_invalid_duration =
<dark_red>» <gray>The PrePunishment with id (<red><id><gray>) has an invalid type or has an invalid duration.
- Should fix login servers are offline when being kick from login/fallback server.
- Should fix issue with maintenance motd not refreshing without changing the favicon url.
- Fixed find command returning the wrong playername.
- Should fix issue with lookup command formatting
- Updated 3 messages. Check below for their new default value.

lang_commandblocked_isblocked = <dark_red>»<red> The command <command> is blocked!
lang_ping = <red>Your ping is <yellow><ping>ms
lang_ping_other = <red><displayname> has a ping of <yellow><ping>ms
- Removed BungeeAdminTools Importer
- Check platform type before checking if PlaceholderAPI is loaded. Some people installed PlaceholderAPI on their bungeecord or velocity server which caused errors.
- Some improvements to the feedback of the permission commands
- Fixed issues with ServerGroup Context Calculator for LuckPerms
- Fixed server displayname component being displayed as string in notifystaff messages
- Modified nickname length from 64 to 192.
- Use toIntOrNull in getBCBuild, so it won't cause issues on BungeeCord forks that f up the format.
- Staffchat and adminchat messages can now be fully in minimessage format.
- Fixed reports list command not being parsed. Also allow that message to be fully minimessage.
- Allow usage of %newline% and <br> in lang_notification_helpop.
- Allow usage of %newline% and <br> in lang_notification_join.
- Updated snakeyaml to 1.32 for velocity and bungeecord and which fixes error on start.
- Fixed /notifystaff help text.
- Removed commented code
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