Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.20 Support

MC Plugin Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.20 Support 7.1.12
Feature rich GUI, Taxes, Settings, Flags, Easy to use, Titles, Rewards, Dynmap, Upkeep, Rent, Wars

+ Added: wither_attack_animal natural flag for farms
+ Added: [Suggestion] PlaceholderAPI placeholder: lands_nation_bool
+ Improved: Saving large amounts of lands, nations etc.
- Fixed: /lands delete
+ Improved: Saving large amounts of lands, nations etc.
+ Improved: Reduced shutdown time for database
- Fixed: [#2402] [#2401] SkinsRestorer hook enable
- Fixed: [#2422] nation save and war info
This version contains significant internal changes. Please note that while all changes have been tested, there could be something I overlooked in specific environments. If you encounter any issue, please open a bugreport in the Discord server or send a private messages. Also, you're always able to downgrade to 6.38.3.

+ Improved: Internal region and claim logic. This is especially useful for servers that have tens of thousands of lands.
+ Improved: Internal claim and unclaim management

+ Added: [#2422] player info menu
+ Added: [Suggestion] fly reactivate permission

    # Set a permission to check before Lands reactivates flight for a player.
    # Lands only reactivates flight, if Lands previously disabled it for the player and they're now allowed to fly again
    # at their current location. This permission just adds another requirement, besides the fly role flag.
    reactivate-perm: ''
- Fixed: Invalid skin URL for default
The old custom head textures are no longer supported by the server.
Therefore, you need to change any custom heads in your GUI and roles.yml files to the new
skin URLs.

If you don't do this, you'll receive lots of spam from the server in your console log.

+ Added: Support for new skin player profiles
- Fixed: [#2387] wrong placeholder value at /lands rent remove tenant
- Fixed: [#2387] don't reset tenant role for admin lands
+ Added: [Suggestion] Tenant role for areas that are being rented. This role is only editable in admin lands. For regular lands this role will always have the flags from roles.yml. Please add this role to roles.yml:

    # This role can't be deleted, but is only visible if an area is rented or in admin lands.
      name: '&6&lTenant'
      # The icon supports texture values (example: and normal material values.
      icon: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvM2UzZmVhODhlMmI4NWNjZGZiMWIzODcyOTgyZWFlMTY0ODlhODRjNjgxYmQ5ZmU0ZmU5YmM4YmNjMmU1In19fQ=='
      # Default flag values. Please note that these only apply to new rentals.
      # Only admin lands can change these flags ingame. This prevents lands abusing this and selling areas where the tanant would have no permission to do anything.
       - BLOCK_PLACE
        - BLOCK_BREAK
        - PLANT
        - HARVEST
        - SHEAR
        - BLOCK_IGNITE
        - FLY
        - ELYTRA
        - LAND_ENTER
        - ENDER_PEARL
        - VEHICLE_USE
        - ITEM_PICKUP
        - PLAYER_TRUST
        - PLAYER_BAN
- Fixed: leaderboard parse placed off by 1
- Fixed: leaderboard head wrong orientation if there's no land or nation on that place

tag [#2383]
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now manually set spawns for sub areas
         lore: '&8✖ &bLEFT CLICK[newline]   &7Teleport to the spawn of this area.[newline]&8✖ &9RIGHT CLICK[newline]   &7Set the spawn.'
          name: '&6&lTeleport'

- Fixed: [#2382] /lands chat messages sometimes not received
- Fixed: monster animal remove option not working
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