✦ JetsRepairTokens ✦ [1.8-1.20] SUPPORTED! ✦ Repair by certain durability! ✦

MC Plugin ✦ JetsRepairTokens ✦ [1.8-1.20] SUPPORTED! ✦ Repair by certain durability! ✦ 3.7
Repair tools using tokens with predefined durability! (Very Customisable!)

[+] Fixes the plugin working on 1.20.4
[+] Fixes 1.20.4 NBT issues
[+] Fixed support for 1.20.4
[+] Fixs a bug with tokens if % repair is the same as a normal repair
[+] Added support for 1.20
[+] Added the ability to add custom model data to the repair token (as well as the item being repaired)
Repair1: #The name of the item (used in the give command)
item: NETHER_STAR #Must be a valid material (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html)
data: 0 #Used for further material data (Not needed for 1.13)
repairDurability: 10 #The amount that it will repair the items durability by
name: "&eRepair Token &7(Tier I)" #Items...
[+] Added support for 1.19
[+] Fixed a logical bug which meant Items could be repaired by the wrong amounts
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