MC Plugin JetsMinions | #1 MINIONS PLUGIN | ACTIONS | UPGRADES | ANIMATIONS | ROBOTS | [1.8 - 1.20] 7.10.5
An Efficient, highly customizable Minions/Robots plugin with TONS of hooks..

[+] Fixed a bug which caused minions not to start up after a server restart, I have modified hooks heavily in this update so let me know if there are any issues please
[+] Lumberjack can now chop Mushroom trees (1.13 +)
[+] Bug fix for hooks (Ultimate stacker included)
[+] Bug fix for putting minions in offhand slot
[+] Added the ability to configure the damage done by the Slayer minion, to configure, add this to slayer.yml

#The damage given by the Slayer minion to each entity it hits
DamageGivenBySlayer: 200
[+] Added the ability to set the damager on the Slayer minion, to modify this option in the slayer.yml configuration file add the following config option
#When the slayer damages a mob, who should the damager (damage cause) be from? Possible values
#PLAYER - Mobs hit by the minion will be registered as the player killing the mobs
#MINION - Mobs hit by the minion will be registered as the Armour stand killing the mob
#NULL - No particular damager specified

SlayerDamager: PLAYER...
[+] Fixed issues to do with the last update, to do with entities not dying with the slayer minion / entities not dropping correct drops
[+] Modified how the Slayer kills entities (To hopefully better support Stacker plugins)
[+] Updated IslandDeleteEvent hooks for BentoBox and Iridium Skyblock
[+] Update for saving/loading Chests, should be massive performance gains
[+] Added 1.19.4 Items
[+] Fix's issue with minions deleting / the server crashing when an island is created/removed with the Superior Skyblock2 hook
Thanks @sannyboy20_nl for helping me test
[+] Added the option to customise the amount of time a user has to link a chest, add to config.yml to configure
[+] Minion name placeholder, from the last update, will now also be applied in the names of the GUI/Commands
[+] Slayers with SMELT will now be able to cook porkchops from pigs
[+] Increase damage that the slayer does (As for some reason a few mobs were not dying from the first Slayer hit)
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