MC Plugin JetsMinions | #1 MINIONS PLUGIN | ACTIONS | UPGRADES | ANIMATIONS | ROBOTS | [1.8 - 1.20] 7.10.5
An Efficient, highly customizable Minions/Robots plugin with TONS of hooks..

[+] Added the ability to modify the %MINIONTYPE% placeholder by setting the MinionNamePlaceholder, shown in the config.yml

  Miner: #identifier (To customise control panel find Miner in controlpanel.yml)
      TicksPerAnimation: 4 #How often do you want the animation to update in ticks (20 = 1 second, -1 to disable animations)
      TicksPerAction: 50 #How often do you want the minion to mine the rock infront in ticks (20 = 1 second)
      DefaultSkin: Miner #Want to change the default skin? Check the skins.yml file (You can modify the Miner skin, or create your own one!)
      MinionNamePlaceholder: Miner #The name of the placeholder for %MINIONTYPE%
[+] Updated hook for lands
[+] Modified how saving minions happens to prevent a lag spike under certain conditions
[+] Added support for Custom Model Data within all the GUIs, to add simply add the option
[+] Modified how the data is saved for saving Levels/Exp/Chests to the database
[+] Modified the code regarding breaking chests, which some users were reporting lag for
[+] Fix an issue with the Minion Inventories not functioning
[+] Fixed NPE with list minion command
[+] Fixed a config issue with the Minion Type Limit permissions
[+] Fixed a bug that spammed an error about incorrect max level for a minion into chat, due to the MaxLevel method of minions returning the wrong values
[+] Modified code for breaking minions chests
[+] Fixed NPE's while breaking minions
[+] Modified how the %NEXTLEVELSETTING% placeholder is gotten
[+] Fixed an issue with SMELT not working for Fisher minion
[+] Added support for the CombatPet plugin
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