⚔️ ExecutableItems ⭐ Custom Tools | Weapons | Armor Set | Potions, MMO Items, Vouchers, Cosmetics ⭐

MC Plugin ⚔️ ExecutableItems ⭐ Custom Tools | Weapons | Armor Set | Potions, MMO Items, Vouchers, Cosmetics ⭐ [1.8-1.20.5]
Custom items plugin - Create Tools, Weapons, Vouchers & more - 100+ Custom Triggers

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an error when you have Towny the plugin thought you have also the plugin Lands.

Fix an infinite loop error that causes crash when you use placeholder plus the symbol - after, like %player_x%-5

New entity command PLAYER_RIDE_ENTITY
TO SEE All news features in video join this discord channel: UPDATE

the bug that when you droped an EI you had to double clicked two times on a chest to open it.

Fix some activators and improve the link between ExecutableItems and ExecutableBlocks.
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the custom thing to execute a vanilla command in a specific world.
execute in <<SsomarWorld>> run teleport %player% 0 0 0
New default premium items:
- Prem_Piglin_Curing_Potion (in Potions)
- Prem_Pickaxe_With_Storage (in Tools)
- Prem_Animal_Cake (in Misc)
- Prem_Animal_Egg (in Misc)
- Prem_Back_To_Death_Point (in Misc)
- Prem_Grass_Seed (in Misc)






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