
MC Plugin Epidemic 1.7.6
Bringing real survival to your server

Change Log 1.7.6

This update allows you to give a player time limited invincibility. But first a little history.

When Epidemic was first written, the epidemic.invincible permission existed - this would protect the player from all harm. But, people kept leaving themselves in op and had the permission, so never got sick. Following on from Domain I changed the behavior to use bypass mode. So a staff member would actively have to type in /epidemic bypass in order to become invincible.

This new invincible functionality gives players time limited invincibility via a command, it also includes a config option which will give new players some time to get acclimated to the server before being afflicted. It does NOT impact /epidemic bypass which is still in use.

New commands

Both new commands REQUIRE epidemic.admin permission.

/epidemic invincible <player uuid or name (if online)> <number of days>

If using player name, the player MUST be online at the time.

Number of days is the number of days from the in-game days - so if it is day 14, and you pick number of days = 7, they couldn't be afflicted until day 21

/epidemic day

This simply returns the in-game day according to Epidemic (this is NOT the same as server day due to some plugins moving that around as they expand out days/seasons/time etc.) It is simply an arbitrary day that Epidemic will use to track game days.

Configuration Changes
SERIOUSLY, please check these BEFORE contacting me regarding any issues

If you do not have a plugins\Epidemic\config\server.yml file, please create one like so
day: 0
main_world: world

Use the name of whatever your main world is if it is not world - this is the world that Epidemic will pull the current time from.

Add the following to config.yml
# For new players joining the server, this is the number of in-game days to make them
# invincible to all ailments. Set to 0 to disable
new_player_invincible_days: 7

If you translate Epidemic into another language, add the following to lang.yml (and then translate as needed)
command_invalid_player: "&cERROR &r- Invalid player"
command_epiinvicible_usage: "&lUsage: &r/epidemic &binvincible <player name or uuid> <number of days>"
command_epiinvicible_invaliddays: "&cERROR &r- You must enter a valid number of days (at least 1)"
command_epiinvicible_success: "&aPlayer has been set as invincible for <%days%> game days"
command_infect_invincible: "&cERROR &r- Player is invincible"
command_day: "&rIt is day <%day%>"
Change Log 1.7.5

This update addresses a single bug that prevents consumable remedies from being consumed if they are food or drink based.

For example, boiled water has drink: true, and item_consumed: true - but was not reading item_consumed, and incorrectly setting to false.

This resulted in consumable items never running out.
Change Log 1.7.2

This update enables the natural cures for ailments (as well as laying the groundwork for vaccines)

Up until now, if you get a wound, a burn, a cold, or whatever ailments you have set up, you're stuck suffering with them until either you have them cured, or if the rare chance of healing while sleeping kicks in.

This update adds a new option in the ailments files that gives a maximum number of days a player will have the ailment for
# Number of days until the ailment naturally heals - set to 0 if it does not naturally heal
natural_cure_days: 2
Days are game days, and are not impacted by if the player is online. If they get the ailment then log off, and more than the number of natural cure days go by, when they log back on, they'll be cured, so I would set these values carefully, and in line with your server settings.

To add these cure days to an ailment, simply add the value to the appropriate ailment.yml file as shown above - you can set the value to 0, or leave it out completely and it will not be applied.

The eagle eyed of you may notice a new file appearing in the config folder called server.yml - this file records the current game day, this is NOT in-line with the servers game day, it starts at 0 from when this update is applied, and increments as each day begins, whether someone is online or not. This will come into play a lot when vaccines are rolled out as you'll need to take boosters for some vaccines.

The VERY eagle eyed of you may notice that the player information now includes afflicted_day and afflicted_time - this allows Epidemic to track when the natural cure days should apply.
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