Change Log:
- Added 1.20.6 Support
- Fixed a bunch of issues with egg hatching
- Updated bunch of old dependencies
- Removed ACTIVATE_ENCHANT effect due to it being out of date
Change Log:
- Fixed issue with commands not being able to be executed from console
Change Log:
- Added 1.20 Support
- Fixed issue with flight still after quitting game
Change Log:
- Added blacklisted-blocks to the config.yml, this will allow you to blacklist blocks from the cage effect meaning it will not replace them
- 'SPAWNER'- Fixed a bunch of compatibility issues
- Fixed a few errors based on version support
Change Log:
- Added 1.19.3 Support
- Fixed issue with potion effects not overriding stuff like golden apples etc.
- Fixed issue with Commands using equations returning decimals which caused it to bug out with other plugins
Change Log:
- Made it so cage effect cannot be triggered in faction claims to avoid an issue where people were phasing into peoples bases and their own to get out of combat, I will make a better system soon but for now this was the best option
- Fixed issue with cache becoming invalid randomly
- Updated dependencies
- Optimised some code regarding the pet task processing
Change Log:
- Fixed plugin not working on WineSpigot due to a missing library
- Fixed error when players hit an item frame
Change Log:
Added 1.19 Support Made it so when you teleport to a blocked world and you have a potion effect on from a pet that is disabled, it will remove the potion effect Fixed some issues with potion effect Fixed some issues with custom event triggering
Change Log:
Added /ep giveshards <player> <amount> to give players spawner shards Fixed error from DEFENCE trigger Fixed cage effect (recoded) Fixed dupe with Halloween Horse effectThank you for reading this and have a nice day