EcoSkills ⭕ Addictive MMORPG Skills ✅ Create custom Skills, Stats, Effects, Mana ✨ Plug + Play

MC Plugin EcoSkills ⭕ Addictive MMORPG Skills ✅ Create custom Skills, Stats, Effects, Mana ✨ Plug + Play 3.47.0
MMORPG Skills, Abilities, and Levelling with an intuitive GUI.

- Added remove_item effect (Thanks OfTeN!)
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- Fixed entity_item_drop trigger on base spigot users
- Added keep_inventory effect (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed error with equipment slot modifiers
- Fixed static trigger console spam for users on base spigot
- Added particle animation system and the particle_animation effect to use it!
At the moment there are two effects: trace and ground_spiral, however many more will be added in the future!
Read the wiki page to learn more about how to use them:
- Added particle_line effect to draw a line of particles between you and the target location
- Fixed particle offsets / movement with spawn_particle effect
- Fixed send_title effect not translating placeholders
- (API, Maybe some effects too) Location will now automatically be attached as victim location, or player location (whichever is available, prioritizing victim) even if not specified from triggers
- Added support for chain arguments

These allow you to pass parameters to your chains, which makes effect chains far, far more useful and more reusable - your logic can get a lot more complex with this!

In any chain effect (run_chain, run_chain_inline), there is now an extra option you can put under args:

<name>: <value>
<name 2>: <value 2>

You can add as many arguments as you like. You use these values in chains just like other placeholders, with %<name>%, for example if you had an argument called strength, you would reference it with %strength% in your chain. Chain arguments support placeholders, too - just like anything else.

This is huge, and if you want to make something extremely powerful with effects, this will make it even easier and quicker with less repetition!
shhhh, you can't see this
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