EcoSkills ⭕ Addictive MMORPG Skills ✅ Create custom Skills, Stats, Effects, Mana ✨ Plug + Play

MC Plugin EcoSkills ⭕ Addictive MMORPG Skills ✅ Create custom Skills, Stats, Effects, Mana ✨ Plug + Play 3.47.0
MMORPG Skills, Abilities, and Levelling with an intuitive GUI.

- Updated kotlin to 1.6.21, fixes potential version mismatch
- Updated various other dependencies
- disabled-in-worlds is no longer case-sensitive
- Improved skill event filtering
- Added support for LegameMc EnchantGui in enchanting skill (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed exploration skill gaining on fall damage in disabled worlds (Thanks he00741098!)
- Fixed rare bug with leaderboards
- Fixed potential dependency version mismatches
- Added new stat: Attack Speed (was previously an extension, but almost no-one knew about it). It's not used in any skills by default but you can configure it however you want!
- Added new stat: Attack Speed (was previously an extension, but almost no-one knew about it). It's not used in any skills by default but you can configure it however you want!
- Added option to show final damage in indicators
- Fixed GUI unlocked lore not being formatted
- Fixed serrated strikes not checking antigrief
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