- Big improvements to are and aoe_blocks: they will now run from the supplied location, rather than from the player's location. You may need to update some effects to have a location_to_player mutator
- Fixed all_players, random_player, run_chain, and nested chains for non-player triggers
- Added victim_as_dispatcher mutator
- Fixed Block and Location dispatchers
- Added dispatcher_as_player and dispatcher_as_victim mutators
- Improved all existing triggers for Dispatcher system
- Fixed run_command effect
- Fixed click_block and click_entity triggers firing twice (Thanks PQGuanfang!)
- API: Added TriggerData#dispatcher - there is no corresponding TriggerParameter as trigger data will always contain a dispatcher
- Several other performance and stability improvements
- (API) Added EcoShopBuyEvent
- Added libreforge integration: buy_item trigger, improved sell_item trigger, and shop_item filter. This means you can integrate your shops with all the libreforge plugins, including EcoSkills, EcoQuests, Actions, EcoJobs, and EcoPets