EcoItems ⭕ Create Custom Items ✅ Weapons, Armors, Tools, Charms ✨ Item Levels, Cosmetics

MC Plugin EcoItems ⭕ Create Custom Items ✅ Weapons, Armors, Tools, Charms ✨ Item Levels, Cosmetics 5.45.0
The most powerful custom items plugin with over 160 effects

- Categories will no longer clear on shutdown
- Added animation effect to play animations, more will be added in the near future
- API: Added Animation API
- Fixed give_permission causing errors with NPCs
- Added Model Engine integration: play_animation effect
- API: Added EntityProvidedHolder
- Added this_item filter
- Added support for TerraformGenerator custom biomes (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed custom biomes integration (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed location_to_drop mutator (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed transmission effect
- Fixed add_holder, add_holder_in_radius, add_holder_to_victim, and add_permanent_holder_in_radius not inheriting base holder placeholders
- Fixed several bugs with placeholders in effects / conditions / etc
- Fixed nested chains not working properly
- Fixed holder placeholders not working with permanent effects
- Several other bugfixes and stability improvements
- Added custom biomes integration with Terra (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added location_to_drop mutator (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added missing add_global_points effect
- Added complete_advancement trigger
- Added advancements filter
- Added has_completed_advancement condition
- Added smith_item trigger
- Added open_crafting effect
- Added TAB integration: has_scoreboard_visible, has_boss_bar_visible
- Added new `Dispatcher` interface. A dispatcher can represent a Player, Entity, Block, or even the Server.
- Holders (e.g. Enchantment Levels, Talismans, EcoItems) are no longer held by Players, but by Dispatchers
- Chains / Effects are now triggered by Dispatchers
- Conditions are now checked against Dispatchers
- Triggers are now triggered by Dispatchers

For Developers:
- Deprecated most core API methods and replaced them with new Dispatcher-based methods: e.g. `registerHolderProvider` has been replaced with `registerSpecificHolderProvider<T>` and `registerGenericHolderProvider`
- `Effect#onEnable` and `Effect#onDisable` have had the player versions deprecated and replaced with new versions that take Dispatchers. Update your effects!
- `Condition#isMet` has had the player version deprecated and replaced with a new version that takes a Dispatcher
- All methods like `Player#holders`, `Player#updateHolders`, etc. have been deprecated and replaced with `Dispatcher<*>#holders` etc.

To convert between an `Entity` and a `Dispatcher`, just do `Entity#toDispatcher` - the core flow and most method names have remained the same.

Your existing Effects, Conditions, etc. will still work, however you should update them ASAP as the old methods will eventually be removed!
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