CombatPets ⚡ Battle Pets with Leveling

MC Plugin CombatPets ⚡ Battle Pets with Leveling 1.0.40
Advanced combat pets based on vanilla mobs with many cool features!

  • Config option to allow reallocate pet's aspects by right-clicking them.
  • Config option to 'boost' damage from pet's ranged attacks by certain multiplier of original damage (only if ranged damage is overridden by Attack Damage attribute).
  • Pet Tier config option to set start amount of aspect points.
  • Placeholder(s): %pet_max_saturation%.

  • Default pet generation. Now pet default settings & attributes are close to vanilla ones.
  • Max. Saturation attribute now can be set to 0 or -1 to make pet immune to food and 'hunger'.
  • Added a few messages for mob catching.
  • Code optimization & improvements.

  • A bug, where pets stops attack enemies after very short amount of time.
  • A bug, where pet shop displayed all pets even if they are not applicable to selected tier.
  • A bug, where Warden pet become aggressive on their owner.
  • A bug, where pet AI, equipment and attributes can be overriden on spawn by vanilla mechanics.
  • A bug, where pets don't gain XP for 'HIT' type when using projectiles or ranged attacks.
  • A bug, where pets gain XP for mobs spawned by Eggs, Spawners and other reasons banned from gaining XP.
  • A bug, where pet exhaust for combat calculated incorrectly for ranged attacks.
  • [Goat] A possible bug, where goat pets can lost horns and attack damage attribute.
  • [Hoglin] A possible bug, where hoglin pets can be hunted by piglins.
  • [Piglin] A possible bug, where piglin pets AI was overriden by vanilla mechanics.
  • [Fox] Will not steal ground items anymore.
  • [Blaze] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
  • [Drowned] Now correctly swims and uses Attack Speed attribute for both melee and ranged attacks.
  • [Ghast] Slighty improved follow target/owner algorhythm. Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
  • [Husk] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
  • [Illusioner] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute for ranged attacks.
  • [Pillager] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
  • [Skeleton] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute for both melee and ranged attacks.
  • [Stray] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute for both melee and ranged attacks.
  • [Spider] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
  • [Witch] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
  • [Wither] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
  • [Zombie] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
  • [Zombie Villager] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
  • [Zombified Piglin] Now correctly uses Attack Speed attribute.
  • [Zombified Piglin] Will not alert nearby piglings in combat anymore.

  • Parrot, Guardian and Giant pets were removed due to many issues and not having a real use case.
  • Support for 1.20.4. This is the only 1.20 version supported now for future releases.
  • Auto Food Usage feature. Now pets can auto use food from their inventories if this feature is enabled.
  • Pet config options for spawn & despawn particle effects.
  • Button type 'SILENT' for Pet Menu that toggles ambient pet sounds.

  • Ride, Equipment and Inventory buttons will be hidden in Pet Menu if pet don't have such features.
  • Pets are spawning now in a front of players instead of right in them.
You must update NexEngine to install this update.

  • A bug, where summoned pets not saved properly on server shutdown.
    A bug, where pets loses their AI when travelled between worlds.
  • An option to toggle vanilla equipment population for freshly catched pets.
  • An option to set a list of worlds, where pets can not be released.
  • Dedicated permissions for: 'addpoints', 'resetprogress' commands.
  • Message when pet lose XP on death.
  • Internal placeholders: '%pet_owner_name%' and '%pet_food%'.

  • A bug, where pet can be additionally exhausted for "idling" while in combat.
  • A bug, where Regeneration Speed attribute works incorrect in most cases.
  • Default equipment population worked only for skeletons before.
  • Improved pet leveling logic, prevented some possible glitches.
  • Reset progress command does nothing.
  • Pet equipment can be damaged now.
  • Pet data not auto-saved when changes made by commands.
  • Code clean up.
[Added] Permission to bypass 'Release.Allowed' option.
[Added] Config option to toggle entity spawn on release.
[Added] Config option to set egg cost modifier for pet tiers.
[Added] Config option to set egg cost for pet configs.

[Improved] Updated default Release & Revive GUI layouts.

[Fixed] Warden is functional now!
[Fixed] Egg Shop is fully functional now!
[Fixed] A bug, where name checks on rename were inaccurate sometimes.
[Fixed] A bug, where items can be duplicated using pet equipment.
[Fixed] Entity spawned on pet release will inheritance pet visuals now.
[Added] Support for Attack Speed attribute.

[Improved] Better default layout for Pet GUI.

[Changed] Pet Equipment menu have been removed and replaced with a simplier equipment system, where you can right-click your pet with item in hand to equip it.

[Fixed] A bug, where players can equip pets with random items.

[Removed] Dropped support for 1.17.1 (NexEngine does not work well on that version anyway).
[Improved] Pet Aspects Menu got better behavior & layout.

[Fixed] Added missing localization for Pet Attributes.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet can become invisible after teleport.
[Fixed] A bug, where Blaze can not follow owner.
[Fixed] A bug, where Blaze disappear when trying to attack.
[Fixed] A bug, where player data can be loaded on player quit causing console error.
[Fixed] Piglins and Zoglins sound spam.
[Fixed] A bug, where pet placeholders not being updated.
Please update to the latest NexEngine v2.2.11 (DOWNLOAD)

WARNING: Some messages with custom options (type, prefix, sound) or JSON components may become "broken" due to using the updated Engine format / parser. Please, correct your messages using this page.

[Fixed] A bug, where Evoker can damage their owner with fangs.
[Added] Support for 1.20.1.
[Added] Config option to toggle pet's inventory drop on death.
[Added] Config option to toggle pet's equipment drop on death.
[Added] Config option to pet's tier configs for inventory/equipment drop chance on death.
[Added] Config option to toggle allow of pet release by players.

[Fixed] A bug, where non-skeleton pets with bows/crossbows don't use arrows from their inventory.
[Fixed] A bug, where mobs drop lead after being catched.
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