CMI - 298+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More!

MC Plugin CMI - 298+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More!
For 1.7.10 - 1.20 Over 290 must have commands/features for your server!

  • Fix for itemframe command only showing single invisible item frame
  • Small change for tppos command when it comes in recognizing target world when target world name is made of numbers only
  • Fix for hologram command being locked for 1.8 servers
  • Fix for tabcomplete not wanting to behave properly while creating custom alias custom tab completes for existing cmi sub command
  • Small change for checkaccount command to avoid including reports relating to ip, which is local one and wont report anything accurate, especially if your server setup reports everyone's ip as one
  • Fix for error message when checking ranks placeholder and you don't have any ranks setup on your server
  • Fix for missing death message when bring poked by sweet berry bush
  • Added afk time and afk reason to CMIAfkLeaveEvent event
  • Small fix when scavenging items and enchant level was always being lowered by atleast 1 level
  • Small typo fix in default EN locale
  • Small fix for ItemRenaming not blocking properly renames by defined materials
Update CMILib to latest version to avoid any issues due to some core changes in it which could prevent from new added features not working as they should
  • Added support for 1.18.2 servers
  • Fix for death message while dying from lava
  • Small change for %cmi_iteminhand_displayname% placeholder when it comes to color codes in items name which got colorized when it should remain in original form
  • Fix for small issue when it comes to ShortNumbersSuffixes and huge balance values
  • Now /cmi point supports colors for coloured_dust. For example /cmi point coloured_dust:edward or /cmi point coloured_dust:125,250,32
  • Now /cmi point will support new 1.18 particle as block_marker and can be used like /cmi point block_marker:glass any block type material can be used
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  • General rework/upgrade for hologram handling. This is mainly to get rid of those invisible mobs we have used before to detect player clicking on holograms. Due to this we got few extra improvements.
  • Now holograms will default to handling mechanic, you can still toggle it back to old one if you wish it in hologram editor GUI.
  • Now holograms can detect player actually looking at them and not not only when player lick one in a general area.
  • New option to define particles going around active hologram. This will show your chosen particles circling around hologram player is looking at. Keep in mind that this only applies to interactable holograms.
  • New system to be able to click hologram per line. This means that you can have different behaviors when you click different lines on same hologram. To fully utilize this new feature set hologram line as

    <T>&6Text</T><H>&e&lText</H><C>asConsole! cmi heal [playerName];;asConsole! cmi msg [playerName] !&2Healed</C>
    As you can notice this is same format as we are using for ctext command, with some small limitations where we will only accept text, hover text and command fields. You can still include multiple command by separating those with ;; while defining hover text will define what we need to show when player hovers over specific line
  • New particle effect got added into config.yml file under particle presets for hologram line clicking. This is separate one from general old one which is still in effect.
  • Old holograms will adapt to new system and will trigger usual commands if you click hologram in general and not specific line. So you can have command set for entire hologram and different command when you click specific line of that hologram.
  • Old particle effect now will be shown at spot where player clicked and not at the center point.
  • Hologram editor UI got small update to include new buttons for new behavior handling and will looks like this with all features enabled

    Left side is reserved for interactions with hologram
  • Most new buttons are self explanatory, but one "particle stabilization" might need extra explanation. This one will change general behavior for active hologram particles being drawn. By default we will fallow player look direction to match how hologram text behaves, this could not always be preferable behavior as it might introduce more particles than you want to see, while enabling stabilization it will only change particle placement based on your body location, so looking around will not cause particle duplication but will create more inconsistent look as particles wont perfectly match actual hologram area.
  • Auto page generator now places new holograms allot closer to actual one as now we can actually detect pixel perfect detections.
  • Added new custom event as CMIHologramClickEvent which will include player, clicked hologram, clicked line number, global location where player clicked and click type. For those who will want to mess around with that.

  • Fix for sneaktime not being recognized accurately in ranks as requirement
  • Fix for money transaction which are over 92 quadrillion
  • Added support fro rankup command to be performed from console
  • Small change to entityinfo command when checking horse speed, which changed with 1.18 servers and was shown slightly lower than it should have been
  • Fixing where top playtime placeholder would not want to update with new times
  • Small optimization for playtime top placeholder to be more efficient
  • Fix for repair and repaircost commands calculating armor slots twice
  • Added missing locale for armorstand template items
  • Extra option to include not only nickname but real name into tab complete
  • Fix for /armorstand near command giving false positive while trying to open position UI
  • Slight adjustment for custom alias handling when attempting to override original command from another plugin while keeping its full functionally with sub commands
  • Fix for armorstand position editor not processing properly middle mouse/Q clicks which should have reset value to 0 but was creating error message
  • New option to disable fakeOperator being created or checked in general. This will disable usage of asFakeOp! for specialized commands, but in case you don't use it and don't want it to be a thing then now you have option to disable it.
  • Added custom death message by endCrystal blowing at your face
  • Fix for issue relating to vanished players using /point command and particles being visible to all players
  • Slight change for armor stand editor button arrangement so it would keep cleaner look if player doesn't have access to least used options, like making armor stand invulnerable usually isint a thing player has access too, so lets not ruin general look by having gap in there.
  • Anvil command fix on paperSpigot type servers
  • Fix for maxplayers command not working on 1.18 server
  • Fix for specialized commands not working properly when you tried to combine statements and delay actions
  • Fix for issue with death messages not showing correct entity name if you got killed by one while running from another
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Reactions: sameuljosuyf
I've updated this resource to the latest version​

I've updated this resource to the latest version​

I've updated this resource to the latest version
  • Fix/improvement for itemlore command not translating placeholders
  • Fix/improvement for itemname command not translating placeholders
  • Added option to hide ctext from /ctext ouput. This can be done for each of them separately in case you don't want to make some of them visible to the players. Keep in mind that this will hide them from tabcomplete too, but you can still see them in ctext editor window. This is mainly for any ctext you might have which is used for more specific situations and should not be known by regular players who has access to /ctext
  • Small change in ctext handling when you open ctext for the player who doesn't have access to this specific ctext or ctext command, so now he can still use page switch buttons
  • Fix relating to playtime top and placeholders for it
  • Fix for deathmessages not accepting custom locale file
  • Small change for armor editor, now we will more consistently turn armor stand body parts by 0.5 degree or by 5 degrees if holding shift
  • Updated alert message handling when player joins in, so now we can translate basic global variables and placeholders
I've updated this resource to the latest version:​

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Reactions: Tuglug48
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