Chatty: Bukkit-compatible chat management system

MC Plugin Chatty: Bukkit-compatible chat management system v3.0.0
Chatty is the modern chat management system for Bukkit-compatible servers.

Chatty V3 plugin description​

Chatty is a state-of-the-art chat management plugin for servers that support Bukkit. It is based on the library from Kyory - Adventure, which makes it powerful and stable among others.
The latest version of Chatty (v2.*) is outdated and will not be updated. We are currently developing Chatty v3 and this is WORK IN PROGRESS. The current branch contains its code. You can download the latest build in the "Actions" section (see "Artifacts").

Features of the Chatty V3 plugin:​

  • Chat channels ("local" and "global" by default)
  • Direct Messages ("/msg" and "/pm")
  • Moderation (Caps, Advertising, Insult)
  • Notifications (chat, ction bar and title)
  • Configuring "Vanilla" Messages (Attach/Exit/Death)
  • minimessage in the legacy (&) style format

Chatty V3 plugin permissions:​<chat> (<chat>.see or<chat>.write) - provides access to the chat.
chatty.spy.<chat> or chatty.spy - allows you to see all messages from chat modes.
chatty.command.spy - allows you to use the "/spy" command to enable/disable the tracking mode.
chatty.command.reload - allows you to use the "/chatty" command to reload the configuration. - allows you to use the "/chat" command.
chatty.command.swears - allows you to use the "/swears" command.
chatty.command.clearchat - allows you to use the command "/clearchat" (clear the chat for yourself).
chatty.command.clearchat.all - allows you to use the "/clearchat all" command.
chatty.command.ignore - allows you to use the "/ignore" command.
chatty.command.msg - allows you to use the "/msg" command.
chatty.command.reply - allows you to use the "/reply" command.
chatty.command.prefix - allows you to change your prefix with the "/prefix" command.
chatty.command.prefix.others - allows you to change the prefix of others using the "/prefix" command.
chatty.command.suffix - allows you to change your suffix with the "/suffix" command.
chatty.command.suffix.others - allows you to change the suffix of others using the command "/suffix".<style> or<style>.<chat> - allows you to use styles in chat (styles: colors, bold, magic, reset, italicize, underline, strikethrough).<list> - allows you to see messages from the chat notification list.
chatty.notification.advancements.<list> - allows you to see messages from the list of achievement notifications.
chatty.notification.actionbar - allows you to see messages from ActionBar notifications.
chatty.moderation.advertisement - bypassing ad moderation.
chatty.moderation.caps - bypassing capitalization moderation.
chatty.cooldown or chatty.cooldown.<chat> - allows you to bypass the waiting time in the chat.
chatty.mentions - allows you to use mentions in the chat.

Installing the Chatty V3 plugin:​


The plugin doesn't have any dependencies, but it can work with Vault and PlaceholderAPI.
  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Shut down the server
  3. Move the .jar file to the /plugins/ folder of your server.
  4. Start the server.
  5. Ready.
Author FateKid
5,910 pts
v3.0.0 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)
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